Articles and interviews in mass-media

Germany's new Ostpolitik?, EUObs blog, 10.12.09.

Russia's Chinese neighbourhood, EUObs blog, 7.12.09.

Russia's vs China's rise, EUObs blog, 1.12.09.

"A new ENP for the new Commission?", EU Observer blog, 28.11.09.

"Ukraine: small state or regional power?", Dzerkalo Tyzhnya, 21 November 2009, Kiev (in Russian and  Ukrainian)

EU-Armenia: high-level, but low-profile, EU Observer, 12 October 2009.

Supporting Moldova's Democratic Transition, ECFR Policy Memo, October 2009.

EU's failure in Georgia, EU Observer, 4 October 2009.

Moldova's fin de regime, EU Observer, 23 September 2009.

Un minister al integrarii europene pentru Moldova, 13 August 2009.

Demonolizarea puterii in Moldova, Timpul, 10 August 2009.

Moldova defies post-Soviet traditions, EU Observer, 9 August 2009.

The Summer of Eastern Europe's Discontent, Wall Street Journal, 14 July 2009.

Moldova threatens Europe's eastern overtures, Financial Times, 17 April 2009.

Era instabilitatii comuniste, Timpul, 12 aprilie 2009.

Putting Moldova on the Map, Guardian, 9 April 2009.

Riscul izolarii postelectorale, Timpul, 10 martie 2009.

Esecul partidelor politice din Moldova, Moldova Azi,  28 ianuarie 2009.

Parteneriatul Estic si vecinii UE, Timpul, 12 decembrie 2008.

The EU's Eastern Neighbours, 1 December 2008, ECFR Commentary.

Interview on Moldovan foreign policy after the US elections, Timpul, 21 November 2008.

Interview on EU foreign policy, Russia and Moldova (in Russian), Analitique, 3 November 2008.

Pericolul reintegrarii virtuale a Moldovei, Flux, 5 September 2009 (also see the Russian and English translations)

The EU should re-engage with Moldova's 'frozen conflict", EU Observer, 30 August 2008.

"Winning the Peace in Georgia", EU Observer,  20 August 2008.

Interview on the war over South Ossetia, Publico (in Spanish), August 2008.

"Interview on EU-Moldova relations", Radio Free Europe and Foreign Policy Association of Moldova, June 2008 (in Romanian).  

"EU-Russia: Avoiding New Failures", ECFR Commentary, 26 June 2008.

"UE castiga teren in Transnistria", Adevarul, 26 Mai 2008.

"Engaging Transnistria", Janes Foreign Report, 21 May 2008.

"Intalnirea Voronin-Smirnov in umbra UE", Unimedia/Info-Prim, 23.04.2008. (Russian, English)

"Precedentele Kosovo si Moldova", Flux, 1 Martie 2008. (also in Moldova Azi, 21 February 2008; Info-prim, 28 February 2008).

"¿ Que hacer con la nueva Rusia?", Mark Leonard and Nicu Popescu, Politica Exterior, February 2008 (in Spanish).

"A five-point strategy for EU-Russia relations", with Mark Leonard, Winter 2008, Europe's World.

"Observing Russia's elections", ECFR Commentary, 2 December 2007.

"Pickin a Policy on Russia", with Mark Leonard, in The Guardian, 18 November 2007. Also published in Daily Star (Egypt), South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), The Japan Times, The Korea Herald, Daily Times (Pakistan), Taipei Times (Taiwan), La Libre Belgique, Cyprus Mail, Mlada Fronta Dnes (Czech Republic), Postimees (Estonia), 
Die Welt (Germany), Kerdos (Greece), Vijesti (Montenegro), NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands), Kronika (Romania), The Moscow Times, Sme (Slovakia), Delo (Slovenia), L'Agefi (Switzerland), Today’s Zaman (Turkey), Valor, (Brazil), El Tiempo (Colombia), Stabroek News (Guyana), Jordan Times, Al Ghad (Jordan), The Daily Star (Lebanon), L'Orient le Jour (Lebanon), Al Shabiba (Oman), Al Arab (Qatar).

"O politica externa europeana nu este un moft, ci o necesitate pentru UE", Interview for Hotnews.ro, 26 October 2007.

"EU's Borders and Neighbours", ECFR Commentary,  2 October 2007.

"The European Union and conflicts in the South Caucasus", Caucaz.com, January 2007. (French version)

"Politica externa a Moldovei e decisa de Transnistria", Flux, 22 Decembrie 2006.

"Moldova in coada Marocului", Timpul, 24 Noiembrie 2006.

"Подо льдом замерзших рек", Kommersant, 17 November 2006.

Russia's Soft Power Ambitions, European Voice, 2 November  2006.

"Transnistria's self-damaging referendum", CEPS Neighbourhood Watch 19, September 2006.

"Integrarea europeana nu e un exercitiu de retorica diplomatica", Interviu, Timpul, 8 septembrie 2006.

Interview for Europa.md (in Romanian), 19 July 2006.

"The EU and Abkhazia", Lecture together with Dov Lynch in Sukhumi, Abkhazia, 21 March 2006 (in Russian).

Interview for Jurnal de Chisinau (in Romanian),  7 April 2006.

"Kremlin takes on a new foreign policy approach"European Voice, Brussels, 23 February 2006.

"O opozitie inexistenta si o guvernare tentata sa controleze tot mai mult",  Interviu pentru "Ziarul de Garda", Chisinau, 9 februarie 2006. 

UE-Moldova in 2005 in "Timpul", 6 ianuarie 2006. 

EU in Transnistria: from deadlock to sustainable settlement , in Moldova Azi, 14 december 2005.

Transformarea Europei si Moldova, in Moldova Azi, 26 iulie 2005, Chisinau.

Europeanising the Ukrainian Plan on Transnistria, Moldova Azi, 11 July 2005, Chisinau.

Esecul Constitutiei Europene si Moldova, Timpul weekly, 24 iunie 2005, Chisinau.

The Revolutionary Evolution in Moldova, Neighbourhood Watch 3, Centre for European Policy  Studies, Brussels, May 2005.