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Download SSH & Secure FTP client

Download PuTTY SSH/Telnet client

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PuTTY is a small and simple SSH (Secure Shell) and Telnet tool that you can use to directly access your Policy.hu account. PuTTY can be downloaded from the Download links on the left side of this and other pages in the Policy.hu/help section.

To protect our system from unwelcome intruders, we have turned off the regular Telnet access and restricted direct server access to SSH. SSH creates a secure and encrypted connection between the user's computer, and the server.

PuTTY can be used to establish an SSH connection to your account, allowing you (among other things) to:
  • change your login password,
  • check your e-mail with PINE, or
  • make quick modifications to your web pages
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How to Use PuTTY

Following is an illustrated description of how to use PuTTY.
  1. Use the Download link to the left to download the PuTTY client (putty.exe) to your desktop computer.
    (The PuTTY client is quite small and should download quickly regardless of your Internet connection speed.)
  2. Save the putty.exe file in an obvious place where you will be able to find it once it is downloaded. (I recommend the Windows desktop.)
  3. Find the putty.exe file and double click to open. You will see a window like the following:
    1. Type: www.policy.hu as the Host Name of the server you are connecting to.
    2. Select the SSH Protocol button on the right.
      (Note: This will change the Port number to 22. If you have Telnet [port 23] selected, your connection will be refused by the Policy.hu server.)
    3. You can save your PuTTY connection settings (including screen size and color settings under Terminal) by entering a word, like "Policy" in the Stored Sessions box and clicking the "Save" button. The next time you run PuTTY, you will simply need to select the Policy session name, click "Load" and then "Open"
    4. Select the "Open" button.
    5. The first time you establish an SSH connecton, you will get a message asking if you are sure you want to establish an encripted connection to the server. Answer "Yes"
    6. In the window that opens up type in your UserName and press the Enter key.
    7. Type in you User Password and press the Enter key.
    8. You will now receive a username@policy> prompt where you can enter your commands
      ( See Telnet Commands below for a list of some useful commands)
    9. Type exit to close your SSH/Telnet session with PuTTY.
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Changing your Password with PuTTY

Remember, your Policy.hu password controls both your e-mail access and access to your your Web account via FTP.

  • Your password MUST be from 6 to 8 characters long.
  • Your password canNOT be a regular dictonary word.
  • Your password SHOULD contain numbers or other non-alphabet characters (e.g. my8+pass).
  • Your password is Case Sensitive (e.g. MYpass is not the same as mypass).
  • Your new password cannot be too similar to your previous password.
  • You should change your password periodically.
  • Do not share your password with anyone, and do not write it down where someone else might find it.
  • The security of our server depends on you!
  1. establish an SSH/Telnet connection to Policy.hu (as described above)
  2. at the username@policy> prompt, type: passwd
  3. follow the instructions to type your current password followed by the enter-key
  4. type your NEW password (you will be asked to do this 2 times to verify that you have typed it correctly)
    (For security reasons, you will not be able to see your password as you are typing, so you need to make sure that you remember what you have entered!)
  5. NOTICE!: The next time you log in to your Policy.hu account (to check your e-mail, to upload a web page, or whatever, you will need to use your NEW password.

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Following is a list of simple commands that you can run when you have established an SSH/Telnet connection to the server:
  • type passwd
    - to change your Policy.hu Login Password, you will be prompted to enter your old password and then to enter a new password twice (passwords have a maximum of 8 characters)
  • type pine
    - to start the pine e-mail client (a very quick and easy way to check your e-mail)
  • type pico
    - to start the pico text editor program, a very basic way of changing text files in your account, commands are similar to those of pine
  • type dir
    - to view a list of the folders in your directory
  • type ls -l
    - to view an expanded list of the folders in your directory
  • type ls
    - to view a condensed list of the folders and file names in your directory
  • type mkdir
    - to create a new directory (or folder) in your directory
  • type rmdir
    - to remove/delete a directory (or folder) in your directory
  • type cd directoryname
    - to change your location to the specified "directoryname" (or folder) on the server
  • type cd ..
    - to move up one directory level on the server
  • type who
    - to find out who is currently logged in to the Policy.hu server
  • type whoami
    - to find out your login identity
  • type finger "LOGINNAME" (using the login name of another Policy.hu account user)
    - to find out when that user last logged in to their account
  • type exit
    - to logout/exit the telnet service and log out of your connection to the Policy.hu server

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Updated: 1.May.2001 [meO]
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