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Subject: Policy.hu services for fellows
Date: 15.03.2004

Greetings IPF fellows!

This page is to provide you with a reference list of the services that are available on the Policy.hu server.

You should GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE SECTION ON E-MAIL, since this will affect how you receive program announcements from IPF in the future.

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  • - All current and former IPF fellows have personal accounts on the Policy.hu server
  • - These accounts, set up on a Linux server, include Web space for your IPF and professional projects, and an e-mail account
  • - Additionally, the server has software installed that will allow fellows to run
    1. -> mailing distribution and discussion lists
    2. -> web-based discussion forums/bulletin boards
    3. -> a demonstration version of an on-line learning environment for distance learning
  • - If you have not already done so, you should make an SSH/Telnet connection to the server and CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD
  • - Further details on how to use SSH to change your password are contained at:


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Web Space
Your web address is:
www.policy.hu/yourfamilyname/ or,

these both go to the same destination and a full list of the fellows' web page links is located at


Again, a reminder that you need to quickly post a basic web site, so that we don't share bunch of dead links with the rest of the world!

IPF Fellows are expected to have a basic page up on their site by the end of the March Seminar, and to have a more complete site up by the end of April.

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You can also use ftp to store any other files that you want in your personal directory -- this is a good way to keep backups of some of your important files from your personal computer.


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E-mail Accounts

Your e-mail account on Policy.hu is:


VERY IMPORTANT!: From now on, the IPF program will send all correspondence to your policy.hu account. One of the primary reasons that IPF established the Policy.hu server, is so that fellows could have a "permanent" place to keep their web sites and to have a single stable e-mail account, rather than the constantly changing, and often outdated, e-mail lists that IPF has had to maintain in the past.
HOWEVER, this does not mean that you have to change your regular e-mail account just for us --it just means that YOU have to assume responsibility for keeping your e-mail address updated. You have three choices:
  1. you can make policy.hu your regular account (encouraged!)
  2. you can forward ALL your policy.hu mail directly to another e-mail account,
    (Do not do this to a commercial (i.e., HotMail or Yahoo!) account.)
  3. you can forward your policy.hu mail AND keep a copy at policy.hu
** for choices 2 and 3 you need to set a "dot-forward" file in your account (see "dot-forward" in the section below)

E-mail Access

Your e-mail account can be accessed in at least three different ways (A, B, C below) and you can alternate between these depending on your personal preference, where you are, and how you are connected to the Internet.
A- Telnet with pine
Open an SSH/Telnet connection to Policy.hu (details are provided in the Policy.hu/help/putty.html page); log in with your Username and Password; at the username@polcy> prompt type "pine" (all lowercase, no quotes); from the pine menu page, you can read, compose, store, and forward your e-mail.
Most pine commands are just a single key: "i" mail list index, "c" compose message, "r" reply to message, arrow keys for up and down, etc.; or a "Control-key" combination marked as "^X" send message, or "^C" cancel message. All of the commands are listed at the bottom of your Telnet window. With a little bit of practice, this becomes a very easy and quick way to check your mail from almost any computer on the Internet. Using pine requires an active connection to the Internet.
If you are using a regular e-mail client installed on your personal computer (such as Eudora, Netscape Mail, or Outlook Express) you can download mail from your Policy.hu account onto your computer to read, compose, and store messages there -- even when you are not connected to the Internet. You will need to create the following settings in your mail client (obviously replacing "username" with your own account name":
User ID: Username
Mail Account: Username@mail.policy.hu
E-mail Address: Username@policy.hu
Password: (the same as your Web access password)
POP3 mail server mail.policy.hu
SMTP mail server: (you need to get this information from your local Internet Service Provider (ISP))

C- WebMail
You can also access your Policy.hu account from any web browser, similar to the way you access a Yahoo!mail or HotMail account. The address for web mail is:


There is also a link to this from the left side of the Policy.hu/help/ pages. Using WebMail requires an active connection to the Internet.

Dot-Forward -- Forwarding your Policy.hu e-mail

If you would like to forward all mail received at your Policy.hu account to the account you are now using. This is done by creating a .forward (dot-forward) file in your personal root directory while accessing your account on the server with SSH/Telnet. Follow these simple steps:

  • 1. establish an SSH connection to the Policy.hu server with SSH or PuTTY
  • 2. when you get the username@policy.hu> prompt type:
    pico .forward
    (Note: all letters are lowercase, no space between the dot/period and the word forward)

    Now you have two choices:

  • 3a. to forward ALL mail to another account:
    – type your other mail address and then,
    – control-x (type x while holding down the control key)
    – type: y (to answer Yes, to save changes in the buffer), and
    – press the enter key to take you back to the policy.hu> prompt

  • 3b. to forward mail to another account AND save a copy of mail in your Policy.hu account, type the following
    \yourusername, other@e-mail.account
    – (Note: be sure to include the "backslash" at the beginning and to substitute the correct information for your user name and the other e-mail account)
  • then type:
    control-x (type x while holding down the control key)
    type: y (to answer Yes, to save changes in the buffer) and
    press the enter key to take you back to the policy.hu> prompt
And you are done! Be sure to test the account by sending yourself an e-mail to your policy.hu account and see if it shows up in your other account.

Mailing Lists

The Policy.hu server hosts a number of mailing lists on our mail list management software.

There are a few lists that are surrently up and running, and additional lists can be set up at the request of the IPF program or individual fellows

NOTE: We will be exclusively using your Policy.hu address for these mailing lists, so YOU need to make sure that you are receiving mail sent to your Policy.hu account.

Mailing discussion lists run at http://lists.policy.hu/:

NOTE: The address for each lists hosted on lists.policy.hu is listname@lists.policy.hu (you must include @lists.policy.hu as part of the address, not just @policy.hu)

Listname Description
2004-ipf Current 2004 IPF Fellows
2003-ipf 2003 IPF Fellows
2002-ipf 2002 IPF Fellows
2001-ipf 2001 IPF Fellows
events-ipf Discussion and announcement posting list including most current and previous IPF fellows
all-fellows-ipf Central distribution list for all current and previous IPF fellows
alumni-ipf IPF Fellows alumni (prior to the current year)
Working Group lists as needed by WG mentors and fellows
If you would like to create your own mailing list for announcements or discussions related to your project, send me a note indicating the name you would like for the list, and whether it is to be an open or closed list.

Web-based Discussion Forum/Bulletin Board

We also have another web-based discussion forum running on our server at:
We intend to begin using this discussion forum more regularly in the future as a place for posting fellow announcements. It is also being used for our on-line fellow publications archive, to which you will be asked to contribute.
If you have questions about how to use a web-based discussion board, or would like to set up a discussion board for your own use, again, drop me a note and let me know what you would like to do and how I can help.

On-line Learning environment with WebCT

Our server also has installed, on a trial basis, a sophisticated on-line (or distance) learning environment tool called WebCT (Web Course Tools). WebCT allows teachers to create on-line courses with lecture materials, exercises, classroom discussion forums, student presentations, quizzes, exams, and more.
If you are interested in making further use of the WebCT course environment, or would like to explore its other features, drop me a note and I can set up a sample course for you.

Changing Your Password

Finally, a reminder on how to change your Policy.hu password. This password controls both your e-mail and your Web account access via SFTP.

  • Your password must be from 6 to 8 characters long.
  • Your password canNOT be a regular dictonary word.
  • Your password SHOULD contain numbers or other non-alphabet characters (e.g. my3+pass).
  • Your password is Case Sensitive (e.g. MYpass is not the same as mypass).
  • Your new password cannot be too similar to your previous password.
  1. establish a SSH/Telnet connection to Policy.hu
  2. at the policy.hu> prompt, type: passwd
  3. follow the instructions to type your current password and the enter-key

  4. (Note: for security, you will not be able to see your password as you are typing, so you need to make sure that you remember what you have entered!)
  5. type your NEW password (you will be asked to do this 2 times to verify that you have typed it correctly)
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Telnet creates a terminal window that allows you to work directly on a remote computer over the Internet.
[NOTE: Regular Telnet access has been disabled on the Policy.hu server. You need to download and use PuTTY or another SSH client to establish a secure SSH telnet connection to the server.]

A more detailed description of how to use PuTTY for SSH access is located at:


From a Macintosh computer, in OS X you can establish an SSH connection from the "Terminal" application in the Utilities folder. For OS 9 or earlier you will need to download and install an SSH/Telnet client like NiftyTelnet SSH
You can establish a secure encrypted connection to the server using an SSH client connection. This guarantees that your connection with the server cannot be intercepted and read along the way. This requires an SSH Telnet client like SSH NiftyTelnet for the Macintosh or SSH or PuTTY for Windows.
Instructions on how to use PuTTY and SSH are located on the new putty page at www.policy.hu/help/putty.html
A copy of Putty for Windows can be downloaded here.
A copy of SSH-Secure Shell client for Windows can be downloaded here. top of page

HTML & Web Pages 

Each User on Policy.hu has their own space for Web pages under the address of http://www.policy.hu/UserName/ You can add pages to this by putting HTML files into your directory called public_html.
A few rules that you must follow when creating Web Pages:
  • You must have a file called index.html that contains links to your other pages. This file MUST be called index.html (not myindex.html or index2.txt, or any other variation) Without this file, no one will find the rest of your web pages!
  • Files must be written in HTML
  • File names must end with .html (or .htm , but be consistent!)
  • File names are case sensitive (e.g.; CV.html is not the same as cv.html
  • File names cannot contain spaces, accented characters, or other punctuation.
  • Files must be inside your public_html directory/folder


Good luck, and have fun with all these new Internet services set up just for you.


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Updated: 15.Mar.2004 [meO]   http://www.policy.hu/help/acctfeatures.html
International Policy Fellowships program (IPF)