Photo Gallery

Thursday April 12, 2007

Photo Gallery


Here are a few photos.

William Marsh Rice University


Edinburgh University

Sheffield University

Rice Linguistics Department, September 2005


University of Edinburgh, January 2007

Sheffield University, Department of Archeology, 2005


 PhD Defense, September 2006


Edinburgh Castle, January 2007

St.Patrik's Day, Sheffield, March 2006

RiceLing Graduate Bowling Blast, February 2003



Max Plank, Leipzig, May 2004


London, March 2005








Rice Linguistic Society BBQ, April 2004


Linguistic Field Work


Edinburgh University Meadows, March 2007

Albuquerque, NM, October 2005

 Field work in Vasyugan Khanty communities, July 2005


Red Square, Moscow, March 2005

Kuskovo Park, Moscow, August 2006


 Field work in Yugan Khanty communities, July 2004


Brooklyn Bridge, New York, August 2005

Museum of Modern Art, NYC, 2005


 Field work in Yugan Khanty communities, August 2003



Amsterdam, May 2005

Oslo, December 2004


Nijmegen, May 2005

Erevan, October 2005


Santa Fe, October 2004

Las Cruces, NM, September 2004


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This site was created and copyrighted to Andrey Y. Filchenko, 03.20.2007