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ANDREY  FILCHENKO  (alternative name spelling: Andrei Filtchenko)


 January2006-June 2007

 University of Edinburgh, Department of Linguistics and English Language: INTAS postdoctoral fellow. Research quantitative methods of studying language variation and change in western Siberian linguistic area: Khanty language.


 August 2000-Sept. 2006

 Rice University, Ph.D. Linguistics. Reference grammar of the endangered Eastern Khanty dialects. Research in linguistics and anthropology of Eastern Khanty.


 May 2005  MPI Nijmegen, Holland: DoBeS Workshops in Methods of Language Documenting and Archiving.


 October 1998-Jan. 2001

 OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE, Budapest: International Policy Fellowship. ‘Prerequisites for preservation of Linguistic/Cultural Diversity in Western Siberia’.


 October 2002  MARI EL STATE UNIVERSITY, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia: “Kandidat Nauk” in Philology.


 Septem. 1996-Aug.2000

 TOMSK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, Tomsk, Russia: Graduate degree program in Comparative- Historical Linguistics and Typology, Non-finite verb forms in the Vasyugan and Vakh dialects of Khanty language. Philology (“Kandidat Nauk”).


 January-March 1999

 British SIL Wycliffe Centre, UK Field Linguistics’ course.     


 Septem. 1990-July 1996

 TOMSK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, Tomsk, Russia: undergraduate course in FL teaching methodology, Linguistics, English and German Languages. “Diplom” (FL instructor). 


 June 1998  TACIS Project SMERUS 9502 Seminar “Trainer Training” Certificate 1998.


 April 1999  OSI International Management Centre “Strategy Development”.


 November 1999  OSI International Management Centre "Project Assessment".




 August 2004-present

 Department of Indigenous Languages of Siberia of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Head of the Department. Administering research projects, Graduate student work supervision, Research and Development; Graduate Seminars in Corpus Linguistics (Intro) & in Research Methodologies in Social Sciences (Linguistics).


 September 2005-pres.

 Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Department of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor; Lecturer: History of English, Language and Culture (England), English Literature and Translation.


 Novem. 2004-Jun. 2005 

 MPI Leipzig DoBeS Tofa project. Pre-doctoral researcher in Indigenous Languages of Siberia (Turkic). Local liaison, research assistant in Siberian indigenous language documentation project.


 August 2002-2003 

 Rice University, Department of Linguistics, Ph.D. program: graduate researcher, teaching assistant (Introduction to Linguistics).


 Septem. 1998-Aug.2000

 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia: Instructor of Linguistics and Foreign Languages.      Associate professor at the Department of FL teaching methodology. Teaching EFL (Intro & Advanced), Graduate Seminar in Corpus Linguistics (Intro), Graduate Seminar in Research Methodologies in Social Sciences (Linguistics)


 October 1998-2000

 Open Society Institute, Budapest. Policy Research Fellow. Comparative History and Public Policy Analysis: ‘Indigenous People of in western Siberia: Language Policies’.


 October 1996-present

 Department of Indigenous Languages of Siberia. Research Fellow. Research in the Language and Culture of Indigenous Minorities of Western Siberia.


 Septem. 1995-present

 Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Department of Foreign Languages, teaching assistant: Instructor of English (Advanced), Linguistics (Intro), History & Distribution of English (senior students).


 October 1994-2000

 MERLIN — Medical Emergency Relief International (British NGO) Interpreter, Office administrator; Policy Analysis and Reform of Anti-tuberculosis projects in Siberia.


 October 1999-2000

 TACIS TEMPUS project design team manager. Analysis, adaptation and implementation of Cambridge EFL training and certification strategies.


 May 1996   TASIC Workshops for small and medium enterprises, Structural Reform (Tomsk) interpreter-instructor



   HONORS/AWARDS:  * Tomsk Governor’s Award for Research Groups 2006.

                                        * INTAS Young Scholar Fellowship 2006.

                                        * Honorary Medal of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University 2006.

                                        * Award of the Parliament of Tomsk region for Young Scientists 2006.

                                        * Tomsk Governor’s Award for Young Researchers and Faculty 2005.

                                        * NEH/NSF Documentation of Endangered Languages grant 2005.

                                        * NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Support grant 2003-2004.

                                        * FEL 2004 field-research grant.

                                        * Yale University ELF 2003 field-research grant.

                                        * Rice University Presidential Fellowship for PhD studies 2000-04.

                                        * Scholarship of the President of Russian Federation 1998-1999.

                                        * Open Society Graduate Policy Fellowship 1999-2001.

                                        * University Scholarship for Academic Excellence 1995-96.

                                        * School newspaper & bulletin editing award 1989.

                                        * Sport Awards 1985-1997.


   SKILLS:                     Experienced with computer applications: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel,

                                      FrontPage; Dreamweaver, FTP, ToolBox, ELAN, IMDI.


   LANGUAGES:            Russian-native, fluent in English (TOEFL score 613); fair in German; communicate in

                                      Eastern Khanty (Ostyak), elementary knowledge of Latin.



   INTERESTS:             Linguistics & Cultural Anthropology, Education, Active-Travel, Sports



   PERSONAL:              Teachers’ Trade Union - member, SSILA-member, LSA-member


 8 Field research projects (participation and management).

 18 Academic conferences, symposia, workshops & seminars (participation with talks).

 21 Article- and Chapter-size publications in Linguistics, Anthropology & FL Teaching.

 3 Article- and Chapter-size publications in press. 


1998  “K voprosu o pricastii v vasjuganskom dialekte xantijskogo jazika”// Materiali 8 mezdunarodnoj konferentsii. 1998. Moscow.

1999  "Sootvetstvija v sintaksise vasjuganskogo dialekta xantijskogo jazika i protouralskix rekonstruktsij". Tomsk. TGPU. 1999.

2001  co-author Ossipova O.A. “The relicts of active typology in Khanty language.” Linguistica Uralica. Tartu. 2001.

2004  “Non-canonical agent-marking in Eastern Khanty: A functional-pragmatic perspective”.

          Penn Working Papers in Linguistics. Volume 11.1. 2005.

2006  “The Eastern Khanty Loc-Agent Constructions. Functional Discourse-Pragmatic Perspective”. In: Demoting the Agent, Ed.     Torgrim Solstad and Benjamin Lyngfelt. John Benjamins. Amsterdam-New York. 2006.

2006  “Continuity of Information Structuring Strategies in Eastern Khanty: Definiteness/ Topicality”. Procedures of the Lenca-2  International Linguistic Symposium. John Benjamins. Amsterdam-New York. - (in print) 

    Other significant publications:

1998  “Language as a source of information about traditional crafts of Khanty.” Proceedings of the XXI archeological and ethnographic Conference. Tomsk. (with Ossipova O.A.).

2000  “Indigenous people of western Siberia”// 1999-2000.

2002  “Expendables of Modernization?” The anniversary collection of articles. Tomsk

2005  co-author P.Jordan. “Continuity and Change in Eastern Khanty Language and Worldview”. In

“Rebuilding Identities: Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia" edit. Erich Kasten. Dietrich

Reimer Verlag.

2005  “Кorpusnaja Lingvistika i ee ispolzovanie v profilno-orientirovannom prepodavanii inostrannix jazikov”. Tomsk. TPU   Press.

2007  “Landscape Perception and Sacred Places amongst the Vasyugan Khanty”. In.: Landscape and Culture in the Siberian North. Ed. Peter Jordan. University College London Press. (in press) 


-            Yale ELF-2003 project - pilot assembly of the Eastern Khanty narrative corpus and dictionary.

-            Collaborative project in assembly of the database on western Siberian indigenous languages and cultures. Laboratory of Indigenous Languages of Siberia 1996-present.

-            Policy studies in prerequisites for preservation of indigenous languages and cultures of western Siberia (OSI web-publication) 1998-2000.

-            Curriculum development project at TPU, Tomsk Russia (ESL training policy) 2002.

-            Curriculum development in linguistics and research methodologies (reader and course syllabi/manuscript) TGPU 2000-present. 

-            CD-ROM and Internet Catalogue of the Indigenous Collection at Tomsk Local Lore Museum. 2000-2003.

-            Ethnomusicology Laboratory at Tomsk Laboratory of Indigenous Languages 2000-present.

-            Tomsk Regional Association of Indigenous People of Siberia and Far East 1998-present.  


   Co-authors and project collaborators 1998-2004:

Dr. Olga A.Ossipova, Department of English Philology, Tomsk State University.

Dr.Peter Jordan, Department of Archeology, University of Sheffield.

Dr.Shalamova Nadezhda, Department of English, New Mexico State University.

Potanina Olga (MA), Department of Linguistics and cross-cultural communication, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Dr.Pirkko Suihkonen, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Dr.David Harrison, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, USA (Volkswagen Stiftung "Tofa" project)

Dr.Gregory Anderson, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA (Volkswagen Stiftung "Tofa" project)  

    Graduate advisors:

MA thesis     Dr. Olga A.Ossipova, Department of English Philology, Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

          Ph.D. thesis  Dr. Philip Davis                         Rice University

                              Dr. Masayoshi Shibatani           Rice University

                              Dr. James Copeland                 Rice University

                              Dr. Stephen Tyler                     Rice University

                              Dr. Edward Vajda                     West Washington University


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This site was created and copyrighted to Andrey Y. Filchenko, 03.20.2007