Working Bibliography and Internet Sources NGOs and Information Technologies Selected Sources on e-Government in the CR Selected On-line Conference Papers
Publications that Disseminate the Results of this Research Project * “Information Technologies against Public-Sector Corruption in the Czech Republic: Assessment and Recommendations.” Central European Political Studies Review, vol. 4, no. 4 (2002). * "There is No Simple Recipe for Corruption (Full Text in Czech)." The article was published under the title “Head on on the Block“ on July 29, 2002 in Respekt.
Other Publications * "European Studies and the Theory of International Relations." (in Czech) Politologicky casopis [Journal of Political Science], vol. 9, no. 1 (2002): 50-67. * "Democratization of the EU: A Task for 'Mission Impossible'? Book Review." East Central Europe - L'Europe du Centre-Est. Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift no. 2 (2001): 161-167. * "Ideational Structure in Flux: Uncertain Future for the IMF?" Perspectives: The Central European Review of International Affairs no. 16 (Summer 2001): 5-20. * "Developmentalists and Nationalists: On the Transformations in Eastern Europe." The Central European Studies no. 2 (Winter-Spring 2000/2001): 25-37. * "The Transformation and Strategies of Policy Formation. Book Review." East Central Europe - L'Europe du Centre-Est. Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift no. 1 (2000): 173-178. * "Deconstruction as Political Action. Two Trends of Deconstruction in Contemporary Social Theory." (in Czech) Sociologicky casopis [Sociological Journal], vol. 36, no. 1 (2000): 97-109. * "Politicizing Modern Society - Seeking the Path to Another Modernity." (in Czech) Politologicky casopis [Journal of Political Science], vol. 6, no. 4 (1999): 378-391. * "Justice in Redistribution or in Recognition? On a Contemporary Discussion in American Radical Theory." (in Czech) co-authored by Pavel Barsa, Politologicky casopis [Journal of Political Science], vol. 5, no. 2 (1998): 176-189. |