Working Bibliography and Internet Sources NGOs and Information Technologies Selected Sources on e-Government in the CR Selected On-line Conference Papers
| Working Bibliography on Corruption
Cisar, Ondrej 2002. “Information Technologies against Public-Sector Corruption in the Czech Republic: Assessment and Recommendations.” Central European Political Studies Review, vol. 4, no. 4. Heeks, Richard 1998. Information Technology and Public Sector Corruption. Manchester: Information Systems for Public Sector Management Working Paper Series, no. 4. Kabele, Jiri 1999. "Ceska byrokracie a korupce" [Czech Bureaucracy and Corruption]. In Korupce na cesky zpusob [Corruption - Czech Style], eds. Pavol Fric et. al, 211-254. Praha: G plus G. Krastev, Ivan 2000. "The Strange (Re)Discovery of Corruption." In The Paradoxes of Unintended Consequences, eds. Lord Dahrendorf, Yehuda Elkana, Aryeh Neier, William Newton-Smith and Istvan Rev, 23-41. Budapest: CEU Press. Lízal, L. and E. Kocenda 2001. The Paradox of Czech Crusaders: Will They Ever Learn The Corruption Lesson? Corruption and Anticorruption in the Czech Republic. URL: McCoy, Jennifer and Heather Heckel 2001. "The Emergence of a Global Anti-corruption Norm." International Politics 38(1): 65-90. Vladni program boje proti korupci v Ceske republice [Governmental Program for Curbing Corruption in the CR] 1999. Wang, Hongying and James Rosenau 2001. "Transparency International and Corruption as an Issue of Global Governance." Global Governance 7: 25-49. Zysman, John and Steven Weber 2000. Governance and Politics of the Internet Economy - Historical Transformation or Ordinary Politics with New Vocabulary? The Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, Working Paper no. 141.
Other Documents
Global Corruption Report 2001. Measuring Governance, Corruption, and State Capture: How Firms and Bureaucrats Shape the Business Environment in Transition Economies, J. Hellman, G. Jones, D. Kaufmann, and M. Schankerman (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2312) April 2000. Study on Corruption Perceptions in East and Central Europe, 2000. Seize the State, Seize the Day: State Capture, Corruption, and Influence in Transition Economies, J. Hellman, G. Jones, and D. Kaufmann, September 2000 (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2444) Measuring Governance and State Capture: the Role of Bureaucrats and Firms in Shaping the Business Environment - Results of a Firm-level Study across 20 Transition Economies, Joel S. Hellman, Geraint Jones (EBRD: June 2000) Anticorruption in Transition: A Contribution to the Policy Debate, Why do Firms Hide? Bribes and Unofficial Activity after Communism, Simon Johnson, Daniel Kaufmann, John McMillan and Christopher Woodruff. Are Foreign Investors and Multinationals Engaging in Corrupt Practices in Transition Economies?, J. Hellman, G. Jones, and D. Kaufmann (WBI 2000) OECD Country Reports: Implementation of the Convention on Bribery in International Business Transaction and the 1997 Revised Recommendations, June 27, 2000: Lízal, L., Kocenda, E.: State of Corruption in Transition: The Case of the Czech Republic. Emerging Markets Review, 2, 2001, 2, 138-160. Corruption in Central and Eastern Europe at the Turn of the Millennium: a Collection of Essays. Gorazd Mecko and Andrej Anzic, Open Society Institute, 2000. The Fight against Corruption in Slovakia,
Michal Ivantysyn, Coordinator of the National Anti-Corruption Program and
Director of Communications Department of the Office of Government of the
Republic of Slovakia