2005-2006 / 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06
Analysis of the current situation with smuggling and data collection                        
Identification of the main sources of smuggling research and relevant data                        
Analysis of international experience and relevant researches                        
Interviews and discussions with main stakeholders                        
Discussions with relevant parliamentarians and government officials                        
Research process                        
Draft research paper finalization                        
Consultations and working discussions with relevant agencies and experts                        
Feedback analysis and final amendments in the paper                        
Round Table Discussions                        
Distribution of final paper to all interested parties                        
Progress report                        
Final report                        
Participation in WCTOH                        
Completed tasks
Tasks Due
Research Proposal
Research Paperaaa
Activity Report
2003 Fellowship
© Paruyr V. Amirjanyan