The Impact of US Aid Policy on Democracy and Political Reform in the Arab world

Prof. Abdel Mahdi Alsoudi

International Policy Fellowship (2005-2006)


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Curriculum Vitae


Prof.  Abdelmahdi Al-soudi                                               

Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS)

Denver University

2201 S. Gaylord St .

Denver , CO , 80208

Office Tel. 303 871 3672

Fax:    303 871 3585



Ph.D. Political Sociology, Keele University , 1986

MA: Sociology, Keele University , 1983.

BA: Psychology , Jordan University

Employment and Academic Career

2007 –now Professor of M.E Studies GSIS Denver University

2006- 07 Professor,  Director, Jordan Policy Center ,

2005-06 International Policy fellowship 2005-2006

5005- Now Senate, Amman Arabic University for Higher Education, (member)

2005-06 Council on scientific Research (member)

2005 Visiting scholar, Georgetown University , USA

2004 Research Fellow, ZEF, Bonn University , Germany .
2003-4 Associate Prof. Princes Rahma University College , Jordan , (Sabbatical)

2000-2002. Associate Prof. United Arab Emirates University ,

1986-88 Senior Researcher, Center of Strategic Studies, Jordan University ,                                                                          

Publication and conferences

  1. The Impact of US policy on democracy and political reform in the Arab World, policy paper, International Policy Fellowship 2005-2006, see www.policy.hu/alsoudi
  2. Causes of Anti-Americanism in the Arab World published by Middle East Review of International Affairs, vol, 7, no, 4, December, 2003. (English)
  3. Obstacles to democratization in the Arab World, Published by the Annals of the faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University , vol. 31, 2003 (Arabic)
  4. Islam and Democracy in the Arab World, Paper presented at The International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Rhodes, 2-5 July, 2003. (English) and published in the: International Journal of the Humanities, 2005.
  5. The Development of Jordan’s Parliament and its role in legislation and political reform, Paper presented at the International Annual conference: Parliamentary Reform, Sponsored by Konrad Adenaurer and the Parliamentary Program, Cairo Un. July, 15-17, 2003 (English)
  6. Women Political Participation in the Parliamentary Elections in Jordan : A Socio-political Study in Greater Amman Area. published in English,  Dirasat , Jordan University, 2006.
  7. Examining Democratic and religious Beliefs Among university Students: A comparative Study between Jordan and Turkey , published by Dirastat Journal, vol, 28, 2001, Jordan University , (English)
  8. Parliament oversight on government’s actions: comparative study between theory and practice, paper presented at the second Conference on Parliamentary Reform, Sponsored by Konrad Adenaurer and the Parliamentary Program Cairo Un., 2004. (Arabic)
  9. The impact of parliament candidates' messages on Jordanians' voters behavior, Published by Journal of education, Almustenseryah University , no,2, 1997, (Arabic
  10. Social Change in United Arab Emirates during the last three decades: Analytical Study in the field of Development and Social Services, published by the Journal of  Arts and Human Sciences, Vol, 49, July 2003, Almenya University,  (Arabic).
  11. Housework Division among married couples: Master Status and Gender, comparative Study, Paper presented at the International Conference "Gender, Work and organization, Keele University , UK , 25th-27th June 2003 . and published by Dirasat Journal, vol, 31, no, 2, 2004, Jordan university,  (English).
  12. University Students evaluation of professions common in United Arab Emirates, field study, Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, vol, 19, no, 1, April  UAE University, 2003. (Arabic)
  13. University professors' use, Knowledge & attitudes towards computers & ICT, Accepted for publication, Yarmook journal of Research, 2004 (English).
  14. University Students Use, Knowledge & Attitudes Towards Computers and ICTs: Comparative Study published by the: Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University , 2004.
  15. Assessment and Evaluation of local municipalities’ need for Development Centers in Jordan, Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, vol, 20, no,1, UAE University, 2004 (Arabic)
  16. Jordanian youth’s evaluation of professions common in Jordan , published by the Journal of the Faculty of Arts,  Cairo University , vol, 62, no, 4,  Oct., 2002 (Arabic). 
  17. The Development of Moral crimes in Jordan between, 1990-93, Dirasat Journal, vol, 23, no, 1, Jordan University , (1996) (Arabic)
  18. The Development of  theft crimes in Jordan between 1990-1995, Dirasat Journal, vol, 23, no, 1, (1997)  Jordan University , (Arabic)
  19. The development of crimes in Jordan 1990-1997, refereed paper presented at conference held at Prince Nayef College and published in a book by Prince Nayef collage for security and training, Riyadh, 2002 (Arabic)
  20. The Process of compromise (Suleh) in tribal disputes in Jordan, Derassat Journal, vol, 17, no, 4, 1992,  Jordan University .
  21. The Development of youth delinquency in Jordan between 1990-1995, published by the Journal of the college of education, no, 2, 1997,   (Arabic)
  22. The effects of social habits on peoples' attitudes towards environment in some popular areas, Journal of Education, Mansura University , no, 27, 1995, Egypt , (Arabic)
  23. People attitudes towards the protection of environment from @pollution.,  research paper, published in a book, by Jordan Environmental Society and Fredrish nouman foundation, 1995. (Arabic) 

Conferences: 2000-2005

  1. Middle East International conference, Utah University , 5-8 September, 2007 USA
  2. 8TH INTERNATIONAL POLICY FELLOWSHIPS POLICY SEMINAR, Center for Policy Studies,   3-9 April, 2005 Budapest , Hungary .
  3. INTERNATIONAL POLICY FELLOWSHIPS POLICY SEMINAR, Center for Policy Studies23-27 December, 2005 Istanbul , Turkey .
  4. INTERNATIONAL POLICY FELLOWSHIPS Advocacy training seminar, Center for Policy Studies,   21-26 April, 2006 Budapest, Hungary.
  5. First International Conference on new Directions in the Humanities, the university of the Aegean, Island of Rhodes , Greece , 2-5 July 2003. I Presented a paper About: Islam Democracy in the Arab World: Socio-Political perspective.
  6. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW DIRECTIONS IN THE UMANITIES: Monash University Centre, Prato ,  Florence ), Tuscany , Italy , 20-23 July 2004. I presented a paper about: Causes of Anti-Americanism in the Arab World.
  7. International Conference on: Gender Work and Organization,  Keele University , UK , 25th-27th June 2003 . I presented a paper about housework division among married couples in Jordan .
  8. International conference on Parliamentary Reform, Cairo University , 15-17 June 2003: I presented a paper about: The Development of Jordan’s Parliament & its role in the legislative process and political reform (English).
  9. International Conference: Women in the Mediterranean: Emerging Discourses and Practices, Nicosia , Cyprus , 5 - 7 March 2004. I presented a paper about: Women political participation in the Parliamentary elections i n Jordan .
  10. Middle East and Mediterranean Forum for Civil Society presented a paper about: The Role of Civil Society in political Reform in Jordan .
  11. International  Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Area and the Enlarged European Union, at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 13-18 December 2004.

Course Taught

    • Politics and Society of the Middle East , (DU), Arab Society and Culture,
    • Islam and Democracy, Political Sociology, 
    • Advanced Social Research, Arab family and kinship, Arab Social thought
    •  Class and Social Structure, Anthropology, Introduction to sociology
    •  Immigration Studies, Theories of political sociology, UAE society,  Arab-Israeli conflict, Arab culture and modern  history