

Websites of Prominent Iraqi Satellite Channels
Many of these sites are in Arabic, Kurdish or Turkish, but have English options as well. Link to issues of Iraq Media Developments Newsletter Link to Institute for War and Peace Reporting Iraqi Press Monitor Articles on the Iraqi Media Reports on the Iraqi Media Other Studies on Media and Conflict
  • Monique Alexis and Ines Mpambara, "IMS Assessment Mission: The Rwanda Media Experience from the Genocide", International Media Support Report, 2003
  • Tim Allen and Nicole Stremlau, "Media Policy, Peace and State Reconstruction", Crisis States Research Centre, 2005.
  • Izabella Karlowicz, "The Difficult Birth of the Fourth Estate: Media Development and Democracy Assistance in Post-Conflict Balkans", IPF Policy Paper
  • Nik Gowing, Media Coverage: Help or Hindrance in Conflict Prevention, Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict
  • Sandra D. Melone, Georgios Terzis, and Ozsei Beteli, "Using the Media for Conflict Transformation: The Common Ground Experience", Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management, April 2002.
  • Project on Ethnic Relations, "The Media of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Reporting on Interethnic Relations", March 1994
  • Dusan Reljic, "The News Media and the Transformation of Ethnopolitical Conflicts", Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management, 2004
  • Track Two, Vol.7 No.4, December 1998, "Media and Conflict"
    Includes the following articles:
    -Inside Track - Taking the High Road
    -Opinion - Debunking the "Big O"
    -Dialogue of the Deaf - Reframing the Debate over Media and Conflict
    -High Road, Low Road - Charting the Course for Peace Journalism
    -Role Plays - Potential Media Roles in Conflict Prevention and Management
    -Media as Intervention - a Report from the Field
    -The End of War - Can Television Help Stop It?
    -Unzipped - Handling the Press Discreetly
    -"Impact is the Mantra" - The 'Common Ground' Approach to Media
    -The Never-ending Story - How the TRC changed the nature of Story-telling in South Africa
    -Hearing in Alex - by Hugh Lewin, October 1996
    -Reporting Conflict - Skills for Conflict Analysis
    -Resources - Covering Conflict
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