International Policy Fellows 2002-2003



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Marijana Trivunovic

Managing Police Reform:
Lessons Learned and Remaining Challenges
in Central, East, and Southeast Europe


This project seeks to facilitate the process of transformation of police organizations in the region by exploring why existing reform initiatives to date have yielded mixed results, and by testing the hypothesis that part of the reason lies in the lack of a comprehensive, or wholistic vision of reform:  reform has been carried out without thinking through the implications that certain reform objectives have for the overall organizational structure and its operational subsystems.

The project will achieve this by (1) mapping out the key regional police reform initiatives and their areas of focus; (2) elaborating an overview of existing and emerging standards for policing, and the (neglected) consequences these imply for reform initiatives (e.g. management practices); and, (3) summarize the remaining unmet needs in a policy paper targeted toward both national police organizations as well as international organizations and donors carrying out and supporting police reform initiatives. 

© 2002
Marijana Trivunovic
Supported by the Open Society Institute (OSI)–with the contribution of the International Policy Fellowships of OSI-Budapest