International Policy Fellows 2002-2003


Professional Experience




Publishing Activities

Lanugage Skills

Marijana Trivunovic                               



Independent Consultant


Constitutional & Legal Policy Institute (COLPI)/
Open Society Institute (OSI)
, Budapest, Hungary

·      Capacity-Building for NGOs Fighting Corruption: Continued to identify NGO best practices; initiated the production of NGO "learning instruments"; organized training workshops for NGO representatvies from Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

·       Police Reform in FYR Macedonia: Continued to provide strategic guidance for the COLPI/OSCE-ODIHR/OSI- Macedonia police education reform project initiated in 1999.

01/2000–04/2001 Constitutional & Legal Policy Institute (COLPI)/
Open Society Institute (OSI),
Budapest, Hungary
Program Manager

Designed and managed anti-corruption initiatives throughout the region of activity (Central & Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Mongolia), including:

·       Legislative Screening: developed methodologies for analyzing existing legislation and its implementation, follow-up monitoring, and advocacy activities;

     Topics: public procurement, conflict of interest, political party financing;

·       Support for NGOs Fighting Corruption: organized capacity-building workshops where NGOs representatives from the region exchanged experiences, learned about best practices and useful methodologies (e.g. monitoring);

·       Evaluation of Special Anti-Corruption Bodies: sponsored analyses of existing agencies worldwide and organized a regional conference with government officials, legislators, and NGOs on the existing models’ appropriateness in the regional context

Acted as advisor/resource person for anti-corruption activities for OSI network, particularly Soros national foundations;

Supervised for the joint COLPI–OSCE/ODIHR–Fund for an Open Society Macedonia police education reform project initiated in 1999.


Program Coordinator

·      Designed and implemented emergency police training in FYR Macedonia during the Kosovo refugee crisis in partnership with the OSCE/ODIHR; designed follow-up activities, including a comprehensive strategy for police reform, beginning with reform of the educational system for police officers;

·       Acted as communications officer responsible for the production and content of promotional materials, newsletters, web site;

·       Implemented several ad hoc projects on minority rights and other topics


Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc., New York, NY
Associate Director of Development; 09/1994–08/1997
Revitalized three separate membership programs with aggregate annual yield over $1.5 million (more than doubled the net earnings).
Los Angeles Philharmonic Association, Los Angeles, CA

Annual Giving Coordinator; 02/1993–07/1994

Initiated an annual giving program that raised more than $350,000 and acquired 5,700 new donors.

Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

MA, Southeast European Studies 1998
Thesis: “NGOs’ Potential Role as Agents of Democratization in Serbia”

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

BA, Architectural History 1991
Majors:  Architectural History, English (Language and Literature)

Centre Parisien D’Etudes Critiques, Paris, France
1990-1991; academic year study abroad program in Critical Theory

International Policy Fellowship

awarded by Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 2002
“Managing Police Reform: Lessons Learned, Best Practices, and Remaining Challenges for Central, East, and Southeast Europe”

Rotary International 50th Anniversary Ambassadorial Scholar
Awarded by Rotary Foundation International, Evanston Il., 1997/98 for study related to conflict resolution and democratization in SEE

Editor-in-Chief: COLPI Newsletter & informational materials, 09/1998–12/2000
Editor: Protection of Minority Rights Through Bilateral Treaties: the Case of Central & Eastern Europe, eds. Arie Bloed and Pieter van Dijk (The Hague: Kluwer Law, 1999)
Translator: The Serbian Road to War, ed. Nebojsa Popov (Budapest: CEU Press, 1999)
Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian—native speake
English—dominant language
Macedonian, Bulgarian—high proficiency in comprehension and reading
other Slavic languages + Hungarian—passive comprehension


© 2002
Marijana Trivunovic

Supported by the Open Society Institute (OSI)–with the contribution of the International Policy Fellowships of OSI-Budapest