

Research Proposal

Interim Report




Research Proposal

New urban transportation policies in Serbia as a factor of sustainable development


Following the basic principles for sustainable development of towns, European countries held a conference on thise topic in Aalborg / Denmark in 1994. The outcome of the conference was a Charter, which pointed out a series of sustainability principles. One of the principles related to transport was to increae accessibility and sustainability of urban services and activities by decreasing traffic. The priority was put on ecologically suitable means of transportation - walking, biking and public transport.

Growing volumes of traffic have been identified as a main reason for air pollution,which is causing a wide range of environmental, social and economic problems in European towns and cities. Considering that the mobility is a vital part of our lives, this problems will be further aggravated in the future. All the forecasts assume continuing growth of traffic. Relying solely on technical approaches is not a solution to these growing problems; it is also necessary to develop new ways of communication and partnershisp to achieve behavioral changes in the daily mobility patterns of European citizens by:

supporting usage of alternative and environmentally sound modes of transport;
raising awareness of the environmental impact of the mode of transport chosen;
addressing social acceptability of changing mobility systems.

In 1995, based on the commitment overtaken at the Aalborg conference, officials of the Dutch city of Hague decided to prepare a local agenda following the model for sustainable development. A section of the local agenda contains a definition of transportation goals. The traffic was acknowledged as an expensive and environmentally inadequate function of the city. The task was to decrease irrational use of cars through car-pooling system (multiple passengers), low-fare taxi, improved public transport, quality and safe bicycle and walking infrastructure.

These measures were transformed into new urban policies and have been adopted by the rest of Europe.

At present, the main contributor to growing air and noise pollution in CEE countries is increasing preference for private car use. In major towns and cities in CEE, increased private car use contributes to environmental damage, misuse of urban space and potential health hazards.

Nevertheless, in Central and Eastern Europe, private cars symbolize not only individual means of transport but, even more intensely, after the radical political changes, a way to move around freely and unhindered, thus becoming the symbol of freedom and prosperity. Many individuals still dream of owning the car, making its status even higher than in western European societies. However, in Central and Eastern Europe, the situation is even more difficult as the development what kind of development - economic, social, political has taken place over a relatively short period of the past ten years, thus putting the relatively new and inexperienced governments into a difficult position to resolve immense problems, including those related to transportation and traffic.

Despite its difficulties, some CEE countries have succeeded in using the transition period to establish more livable conditions for its citizens in urban and rural areas. Serbia, shattered by the state of deep crisis is not among them. The crisis with its its economic, ethic, ecological and wider social dimensions had a devastating impact on both urban and rural citizens. For the time being, principles of sustainable development in Serbia have been recognized only formally, except for the theoretical interest of a part of town planning experts.


The main goal of the project is to become familiar with European policy in the field of sustainable transport, comparison with local policy in this field, to write a research paper and develop a policy paper.

Objectives of the research fellowship are to become familiar with:

the European policy in the field of sustainable transport and development as a generally accepted trend worldwide, to learn how these problems have been solved in other European countries, about law regulations in this field, level and models of urban and transport planning, what is the attitude of central and local governments, who is responsible for which problem, etc.

the citizen participation, when and how do citizens take part, what is the level of NGO participation and cooperation with the local government different means of citizens' communication and participation, and public policy advocacy on issues related specifically to transport.

the standards and methods of planning for sustainable development, financing of public transport, discouragement of private car use, restrictive measures (road pricing), traffic calming, alternative and environmentally modes of transport etc.


1. Research theory and practice related to transportation for the sustainable development of cities in:

· EU countries
· Serbia

This phase will consist of the following activities:

EU countries: gathering data from literature and other sources to become familiar about the most effective transport policy and practices in the EU countries. In the next research phase, those practices will be on establishing transport policy compared to the situation in Serbia.

Visits to the following European institutions:

· Policy studies Institute, London
· European Commission, DGENV, Mr. Claude Bochu, Brussels
· Europe Academy of the Urban Environment, Berlin
· Sustrans, Bristol

· Serbia: This phase consist of visits to 6 selected towns in Serbia. Towns are chosen to cover different sizes and characteristics of towns in Serbia. This part of the research will include direct interviews and surveys with different groups in towns such as local/national government officials; NGOs, experts and citizens.

Research period: seven months (March through September, 2002)

2. Comparative analysis of Serbia and other countries - 1 month

3. Learnings/ best practices from developed countries - 1 month

4. Developing recommendations applicable to the Serbian environment and dynamics of their implementation - 2 months

5. Further directions/ initiatives for research and activities within the field of Urban Transportation Policy - 1 month

6. Activities related to the "Yugo Cycling Campaign"
Some of the specific activities during the fellowship year will be connected to my engagement with the NGO "Yugo Cycling Campaign" (YCK), a member of the European Cycling Federation (ECF). YCK is promoting cycling as an alternative way of transport. Last year we organized this kind of action for the first time under the sponsorship of the European Union, European Commission Delegation together with 900 towns in Europe.

The following activities are planned for this year:

· Bike fest - April, 2002
· Mobility week
· Car free day
· Project of new bicycle paths in Serbian towns
· Promoting cyclo-turisam in Serbia


Project outcomes will be published and will be forwarded to the relevant institutions in this field, for example Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication, Faculty for Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade, Town Planning Institute in Belgrade and local authorities of different municipalities in Serbia.

Public discussions and debates are planed and there will be presented results of research and policy paper to inform citizens, besides institutions.