Olga Pyshchulina has published two papers “Globalization and illegal labor migration issues” (Strategichna Panorama, NISS, 2005) and “Comprehensive Program on Fighting of Trafficking in Human” (Policy Paper, National Institute for Strategic Studiers, May, 2005).
Conferences attended:
▪ “Identification Mechanisms of trafficking victims and traffickers, investigation technologies”, (Roundtable , Ministry of Internal Affair, June, 2005).
▪ “Legislation in the countries of origin, transit and destination”, (Roundtable, 13-16, May 2005, Kharkov).
▪ OSCE “Anti Trafficking Regional Program“, Chakvi, Tbilisi, Georgia, July 2005)
▪ “Development a system of information exchange between the countries of origin, transit and destination” (Prosecutor Office of Ukraine).