International Policy Fellowships


Sergey Golunov
Olga Pyshchulina
Razvan Stan

  Group Advisor

Todd Foglesong

  Soros Network Initiatives

OSI: Justice Initiative

  Organized crime

UN on Drugs and Crime
OSCE: Ukraine
Organization for Migration
Marshall Security Studies
MPI: Int'l Criminal Law
WB: Beyond Transition
Human Rights Watch
UNDP Romania
NCO: Study of Organized Crime and Corruption

  Annotated Papers

Global Survey of Human Trafficking
Migration Management
World Drug Report

Organized Crime

Among the countries of the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe as well as other emerging democracies, human trafficking, smuggling, money laundering, and other unlawful activities that destroy public trust and human security are not uncommon. Practitioners and academics often use different definitions for organized crime. Some concentrate on the origins, others the mechanism and outcomes of the phenomenon. Regardless of the choice of definition though, most inquiries focus on the ambiguous relationship between states and organized crime. At times, the state is controlled by and very useful to organized crime. At other times, organized crime is controlled by and very useful to the state. Disruption of this link is a compelling policy puzzle since it is the state itself which has power, resources, and legitimization to become the center for action. The current research proposes to address the possibilities of concentrated domestic and transnational actions to fight organized crime.

Fellow projects in 2005:

  • Sergey Golunov (Russia):
    Drug-Trafficking as a Challenge for Russia's Security and Border Policies
  • Olga Pyshchulina (Ukraine):
    Security Policy and Illegal Migration including Trafficking in Human Beings
  • Razvan Stan (Romania):
    Managing Illegal Labour Migration from Eastern Europe to the European Union. The Case of Romanian Migrant Workers
  •   Fellow Activities and Publications

    Sergey Golunov has published his feature article on Drug Trafficking and Russian Security at the Policy Documentation Center.

    Olga Pyshchulina has published an article "Globalization and illegal labor migration issues" and a policy paper "Comprehensive Program on Fighting of Trafficking in Humans".
    Sergey Golunov published an article “Drug-Trafficking through Russia-Kazakhstan border: Challenge and Responses” and edited a volume on “Transnational Criminal Activities through Russia’s Borders with Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia”.
      2005 Working Groups

    2005 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Combating Organized Crime
    Transparency and Accountability
    Higher Education Reform
    Public Health and Roma
    Policymaking in Transition
      2006 Working Groups

    2006 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Resource Curse
    Roma Exclusion
    Open Information Policy April 2006