Arina Hayrapetyan

2005-06 International Policy Fellow
Democratic Governance, Transparency, and Accountability working group


Armenia adopted a new constitution in 1995. This predetermined the need for fundamental restructuring of the court system and provided the legal grounds for the organization and operation of the Armenian judiciary. The legal base for judicial reforms
has been initiated, but the court management and administration system is still administered on an ad-hoc basis and requires a major overhaul.

This paper offers a critique of the current Armenian policy approach, covering the legal environment, judicial budgeting, compensation and administration. Issues needing most attention are the lack of transparency and criteria for the appointment and evaluation of staff, the necessity for a legislative framework for court employment, and the role of the legislature in the budget process. In order to reform and modernize the judiciary, a statutory and policy framework for judicial employment needs developing. The judiciary's management arrangements must also be enhanced, while the need to oversee and implement the reforms requires a strengthening of the judicial administration body.
