Razvan Stan

2005-06 International Policy Fellow
Combating Organized Crime working group


This paper reports the findings of research on irregular migration practices in Eastern Romania. It examines the root causes, the means, as well as the socio-economic consequences of irregular labour migration to EU countries. It also analyzes the impact of legislative and institutional frameworks on the management on migration.

The paper has four main sections. The first describes recent trends and patterns in migration, assessing changes in the volume of irregular migration. Using an in-depth case study of
a Romanian region with a high migration rate, the paper explains these changes in terms of labor requirement transformations, economic disparities and the nature of networks. The section concludes with a review of certain socio-economic consequences of irregular migration. The second section provides an overview of the most important migration-related laws and regulations in for Romanian citizens and in the context of EU pre-accession. It also examines the role of the labor migration management institutions. The third section explores the perspectives of both governmental and intergovernmental actors as regards irregular migration while the last section proposes a set of recommendations for the better and more sustainable management of irregular migration.
