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Dr. Marina Sokolova, 3-36, Melnikaite str., Minsk, Belarus.
Education: Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, a post graduate course, 1985-1989. The Salzburg Seminar, session on Conservative Political Movements in Western Industrial Societies, November, 1996. (see the list of publications, items 1, 8-13) Central European University, Budapest, course "Jews and nationalism in the Modern Era", July, 1999.( see the list of publications, items 15-19) Nationalism Studies Session at the CRC, CEU, Budapest, March 2002 (see the list of publications, items 15-19 and study courses developed below) Public Online Consultations Workshop, Law University of Lithuania, May, 2004 Positions held and experience: Since 2002 UNDP/BY project, assistant to M. Doroshevich, ICTD policy consultant (see the list of publications, items 3-7) Since 2001 E-Belarus.ORG project, research and analysis Member of the International Society for Intellectual History since April 2002. Head of the Department of Humanities at Minsk Regional In-Service Teachers' Training Institute, since 2000. Researcher, Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of Belarus, since 1989 up till now, PhD in history in 2000. Member of the team of the authors of Belarusian Historical Encyclopaedia , since 1994 up till now. Lecturer at the Institute of the Problems of culture 1999 (course on the theory of history) Interpreter and advisor at Mass Media Centre (NGO), Minsk, 1994-1995. Member of the group for development of new strategies for historical education at secondary schools (text-books on national history), State Institute for Educational Research, Minsk, 1993. Lecturer at the Institute of Modern Knowledge (course on the theory of history), 1990. English language instructor at "Next Stop-New Life", a non-governmental youth organisation, 1989-1993. Teacher of history at secondary school, 1983-1985. Author of the study courses "Nationalism and ethnicity: history and theory", "Teaching of the history of social movements at secondary schools", "Ideological processes in the modern world", "Information society: theoretical background and current prospects" Author of a book Making of the civil Society in Belarus in the 19th century (Minsk, 2002), A Guide to Information Society, New Economy, E- Governance(Minsk, currently in print) and a number of articles (see list of publications).
Language skills: List of Publications Books 1. Общественные объединения и движения в Беларуси в конце 18- начале 20 века: проблемы становления гражданского общества. Мн., 2002. (Making of the civil Society in Belarus in the 19th century) 2. Информационное общество, новая экономика, электронное управление. Словарь-справочник (A Guide to Information Society, New Economy, E- Governance(Minsk, currently in print) Major Articles I. On ICT policy and e-governmnet issues 3. (co-authored with M. Doroshevich) Обзор ведомственных сайтов Республики Беларусь // Свобода информации, прозрачность и электронное управление: взгляд общественности. Киев. 2004 http://www.e-uriadnik.org.ua/modules.php?name=Conferences&page=partthesis 4.(co-authored with M. Doroshevich)Speeding - up E-government in Belarus: Public Interest and Political Will, in: e-Gov Days: State of the art 2004, Osterrreichte Computer Geselshaft, 2004, Pages 32-39 5. (co-authored with M. Doroshevich) Belarus: two dimensions of e-democracy, in: E-Democracy: Technology, Law and Politics. Report of the working group E-Democracy, November, 2003. Available at:http://www.e-belarus.org/article/edemocracy2003.html 6. (co-authored with M. Doroshevich) ICT in Belarus, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2739 / 2004: Electronic Government, Pages 484 - 487. Available at http://e-belarus.org/article/egov03.htm l 7. Электронное правительство: европейский контекст и белорусские перспективы (E-government: European context and Belarusian perspectives) // Расширение Европейского Союза и Беларусь: в поисках новой политики Минск, 2002. Available at www.centis.bsu.by/rus/y2002/centis_rus2_ES.htm II. On social movements and civil society(in Belarusian) 8. Да метадалегii аналiзу грамадзка-палiтычных рухаў // Беларус. гiст. агляд. - 1995. - - Сш. 1. - С. 3-14. (Methodological issues of studying the history of social movements) 9. Кансерватызм на Беларусi ў XIX ст. // Беларус. гiст. часопiс. - 1997. - № 1. - С. 22- 34. (Conservatism in Belarus in the 19th century) 10. Сакалова М. Кансерватызм у сучасных грамадствах // Адкрытае грамадства. - 1998. - № 5. - С. 37-40.(Conservatism in modern societies) 11. Легальныя грамадскiя арганiзацыi Беларусi ў 70-90-х гадах XIX ст. // Беларус. гiст. часопiс. - 1999. - № 3. - С. 29-39.(Public associations in Belarus in 19th century) 12. Пачатак лiберальнага руху на Беларусi // Штогоднiк iн-та гiсторыi НАН Беларусi: Зб; Рэдкал.: М. Касцюк (гал. рэд.) _ _нш. - М_нск: Выд. _н-та гiсторыi, 1999. - С. 48-56.(The beginning of liberal movement in Belarus) 13. Ля вытокаў грамадзянскай супольнасцi ў Беларусi.- Гiстарычны альманах.- 2000.- № 1.- С. 3-16. (The beginning of civil society in Belarus) 14. Пра метадалогiю вывучэння гiсторыi грaмадскiх рухаў 19 стагоддзя//Бел. Г_ст. Агляд.-2002.-Т.9.-Сш.1-2.- С.79-92 (On methodology of social movements historical studies) More than 20 articles on social movements for Belarusian Historical Encyclopedia. III. On nationalism 15. Nationalismus und Geschlecht. Das wei russische Beispiel// Geschlecht und Nationalismus in Mittel- und Osteuropa. 1848-1918/ hrsg. von Sophia Kemlein (Hg.).- Osnabruk, 2000.- S. 153-162. 16. Social and Political Factors for construction of Belarusian Ethnic Identity:Theory and Practice // Ethnic Identitis and Political Action in Post-Cold War Europe.- Ulster-Thrace: University of Ulster, 2001.-P.235-242 17. Пра разуменне паняццяў "нацыя" _ "этнас" у сучаснай айчыннай г_старыяграф__ //Беларуск_ г_старычны альманах.- 2002.- Т.6. С.165-180. (On the notions of nation and ethnicity in modern Belarusian historiography) 18. R. Szporliuk (ed) National Identity and Ethnicity in Russia and the new States of Eurasia.-N.-Y.-L., 1994 (рэц) //Ab Imperio.-2001.-№3.-С.584-588. 19. О дискурсивной природе этноса и нации// Этн_чныя супольнасц_ ў Беларус_: г_сторыя _ сучаснасць.- М_нск: Дэпол_с, 2001.- С.102-106. (On discursive character of the notions of nation and ethnicity) IV. On theoretical issues of historical studies 20. Да пытання аб змесце тэрмiнаў "гiстарычная свядомасць" _ "г_старычная памяць". - Наш Радавод.- Гродна, 1996.- Кн. 7. - С. 97-100.(On the notions of historicalmemory and historical consciousness) 21. iнтэлектуальная гiсторыя як навуковая дысцыпл_на // Беларус. г_ст. агляд. - 1999. - Т. 6. - Сш. 1-2. - С. 125-130.(Intellectual history as a science) 22. Да пытання пра значэнне змены парадыгмаў для г_старычных даследванняў // Беларуск_ г_старычны альманах.- 2001.-Т.4.- С. 14-19.. (On the meaning of paradigm shift for historical studies) 23. К вопросу о теориях среднего уровня в исторической науке // Тезисы I международной конференции по логике и методологии науки "Смирновские чтения". - М.: Ин-т фил. РАН, 1997. - С. 111-112.(On theories in historical studies) 24. Теоретико-методологические проблемы исторической науки // Современная мировая историческая наука: Информ.-аналит. обзор; Редкол.: А.Н. Алпеев и др. - Минск: НТООО "Тетра Системс", 1996. - С. 12- 40.(Theoretical and methodological issues of historical studies)
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