Dr. Attiya Inayat Ullah


Home Up Dr. Attiya Inayat Ullah Dr. Mian Asad  Hayaud Din



PROFESSIONAL FIELD                  :        

 Social Development and Population Planning.


·         status of women

·         reproductive health, family planning

·         grassroot empowerment.


EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND  :                 

 BA                :     Social Psychology, Political Science, History.

  MA               :     Sociology and Anthropology, Boston University, USA 

  Ph.D.           :     Sociology and Social Demography, Punjab University

  Diplomas   :     -   Population Dynamics and Economic Development: University of Sussex, U.K.

                        -   Organization and Management: Pakistan Institute of Management, Lahore





-           Member of Parliament.

-                Member, Executive Board, UNESCO

-                Member, Pakistan Muslim League Central Council

-                Member, Advisory Board, Mahbub ul Haq Centre for Human Development in South Asia, Islamabad

-                Member, Board of Directors, Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC)

-           Chairperson RAHNOMA GROUP for Social Development

-           Honorary Advisor, Family Planning Association of Pakistan

-           Convenor, Safe Motherhood Initiative of Pakistan.

-           Founder, SOS Childrens Village, Pakistan.

-                Councillor, Asia Society, New York.

-                Councillor, UN University of Peace, Costa Rica

-                Director, Punjab Rural Support Programme (PRSP).

-                Director, Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy

-                Represent Pakistan and Kashmiris at UN Human Rights Commission Geneva.

-                Listed on:

-       UNDP                         Consultant’s Panel (since 1990)

-       UNFPA                       Consultant’s Panel (since 1990)

-       UNESCO                    Consultant’s Panel (since 1990)

-       WHO                           Expert Panel (since 1990)



-           Minister for Women Development, Social Welfare, Special Education and Population Welfare, Government of Pakistan (2000 – 2002)

-                Member, National Security Council, Government of Pakistan.(1999-2000)

-                President, IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) London.(1996-1999)

-                 Chairperson, IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) London.(1988-1995)

-           Member of Parliament (1985 – 1988)

-           Minister of State, Government of Pakistan for Population
Welfare. (1985-1986)

-           Adviser to President of Pakistan on Population Welfare & Womens Affair.(1981 – 1985)

-                Chairperson, Executive Board, UNESCO (1994-1995). First muslim, asian woman to be elected.

-                Chairperson, Family Planning Association of Pakistan (1996-2001)

-                Member, Syndicate Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.(1988 – 1995)

-               Member, Board of Governors, National College of Arts (1999-2000)

-           Member, Syndicate Punjab University, Lahore.(1993 – 2002)

-                Member, Executive Council, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Islamabad. (1987 – 1990)

-                Patron, Pakistan Youth Front. (1991)

-                Member, Baluchistan Rural Support Foundation (1991 – 1997)

-                Member, Punjab Education Foundation. (1991 – 1992)

-                Member, Female Education Trust, Baluchistan (1994)

-           Lecturer, Punjab University taught M.A. Students Cultural Anthropology and Community Development (1961).

-                Research Associate, Department of Sociology, Punjab University (1962-64)



-           Awarded (1974) UN CERES GOLD MEDAL for women.

-                Awarded (1994) Human Rights GOLD MEDAL by Human Rights Society of Pakistan.

-                Awarded (1999) Jean Harris Global Award by Rotary International, in recognition of outstanding service to the development and progress of women in society.

-                Awarded (1999) Kashmir GOLD MEDAL Award on Human Rights.



Up | Dr. Attiya Inayat Ullah | Dr. Mian Asad  Hayaud Din

This site was last updated 12/20/04