Work Experience


Work Experience
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National Projects Coordinator,  Ministry of Women and Social Development, Government of Pakistan. June-2002 to to date.



·         Responsible for coordination of implementation of all bilateral and multilateral donor funded projects of the Ministry.

·         Focal point for Enabling Environment Initiative, the project on new NGO Law.

·         Monitoring and evaluation of all PSDP development projects.

·         Represent Ministry in inter-ministerial consultation regarding donor funded projects, especially in Economic Affairs Division.

·         Focal point for Gender reforms, Gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting projects.

·         Prepare technical background papers of social development initiatives.

·         Coordinate Donor funded projects of Ministry with Provincial Governments at Ministerial and Secretary level.

·         Interact with donors on behalf of Ministry.

·         Reporting directly to Minister and Secretary.

·         Heading a small Project Support Unit in the Ministry.

Regional General Manager, National Rural Support Programme§, Lodhran-Vehari: (Since Oct-2000)



·         As Team-leader for Lodhran-Vehari Region prepare and implement Plan of Action for Poverty Alleviation and Empowerment of poor communities through following interventions:


·         Assisted communities establishment of community based Girls Primary Schools. (16 schools)

·         Organized training for the Teachers in the community managed schools.

·         Designed and coordinate delivery of School Management Committee training. 

·         Helped build capacity of rural private schools.

·         Coordinated and supervised School health system in community schools.

·         Coordinate and facilitate provision of basic infrastructure in primary schools.


Community Development/Social Mobilization:

·         Lodhran Region is the largest partner of PPAF project; approx. 1000 Community organizations (both male and female) have been organized.

·         Community organizations have been sustained since 1998.

·         Networks/Linkages have been developed by communities among themselves, and with Line departments, NGO,s and Donors.



·         Micro-credit for micro-enterprise, and agri-inputs have been provided to poor men and women. (Rural and urban areas)

·         Total cumulative portfolio of micro credit is Rs 900 M.

·         Recovery percentage is above 95 %.

·         Every season approx Rs 50 M of micro credit is provided to poor communities.

·         Legal framework/system for recovery of chronic default has been successful established. Rs 50 M were recovered through this methodology.


Financial & Project Management:


·         Annual operational budget of the region is approx. Rs 15 M

·         Staff supervised is approx 100 spread over project in four districts of south Punjab.

§         Management of Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Programme (PPAF/WB) funded activities in Lodhran region.

§         Responsible for all financial and management aspects of the region.





Community Based Physical Infrastructure:


§         Plan & supervise implementation of Community based Physical Infrastructure projects. Implemented 30 schemes in following sectors.

§         Water supply schemes.

§         Sanitation (urban and rural).

§         On Farm water management.


§         Coordinator of Lodhran Pilot Project. An Action Research project on community owned low cost sanitation initiative in slum localities.


§         Number of water channels, street brick linings and sanitation projects has been completed by communities. RSP provided technical and social guidance.


Human Resource Development:


§         HRD needs of Communities (NRM, Vocational, Community Management Skills etc)

§         Conduct Training Needs Assessment of management and professional staff and communities.

§         Designed one-month residential training module on Community owned Sanitation & Social Mobilization for associate engineers, working on Community sanitation projects.

§         Prepared a manual on Community owned Sanitation for slum up gradation (a Canada Fund For Local Initiative Project).

§         Prepared and delivered a module of community owned sanitation at Government Technical College Bahawalpur, for Diploma holder Civil Engineers.

§         Organized trainings for communities to implement and maintained community based water supply, sanitation and On farm water management schemes.

§         Organized training for poor farmer communities on progressive agri-practices in cotton/wheat and On-farm water management.

§         Organized Vocational training for poor communities as a poverty alleviation intervention, through linkages with public and private sector training institutions, particularly for women in Tailoring, IT, Livestock etc.

Project Proposals:


§         Village Sanitation Project. ($ 50,000) Canada Fund for Local Initiative.

§         Urban Sanitation Program (LPP) Water-Aid International. London.

§         Capacity Building of Local Governments in Community owned Sanitation. (UNDP-LIFE) under process.

§         Public Health Project on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention-Partner organization Heart-File (DFID Funded).

§         Project on community based sanitation with District Governments of Lodhran and Rahim Yar Khan, by involving newly established TMA’s (Tehsil Municipal Administrations).



Primary Health:


§         Primary Health Action research project, RSP and communities turned around three redundant BHUs after Health department handed over management to NGO.

§         Cardio-vascular Disease prevention project at grass roots launched in collaboration with Heart-file. Communities and Health Service providers are being sensitized about prevention of cardio-vascular diseases.

§         Numbers of health camps are regularly arranged for communities in rural areas.


Private Sector Partnership:


§         A project has been launched in partnership with JDW Sugar mills Sadiqabad, district government Rahim Yar Khan, and farmer community. Based on concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, “Win-Win” for all stakeholders, and consensus building, this project has resulted in following achievements:

o        Productivity of farmers and sugar mill has increased markedly.

o        4000 farmers are participating in the project.

o        Rs 10 million micro-credit has been provided to the sugarcane growers.

o        Agri-implements, water pumps, fertilizer, graded seed and other inputs were provided to farmers.

o        Progressive farming practices training has been provided to farmers.

o        Mills have ensured 100% timely payment to growers.



Deputy Secretary, National Security Counci, Government of Pakistan.

Deputy Secretary to Minister for Women Development & Population Welfare.

                                                                                            (Feb 2000 to Oct. 2000)


·         Principal Aide to the Member National Security Council/Minister.


·         Interacted with Federal Ministers, Provincial Governments and Senior Officials (Secretaries) on behalf of the Member/Minister.


·         Provided Policy input/analysis to Member National Security Council/Minister on following issues.


                                             i.            Role of Civil Society in Governance and Development.

                                           ii.            Civil Service Reforms

                                          iii.            District Governance (Local Government)

                                         iv.            Social Sector Revival Package. (Includes Education, Health and Population Sector reforms)

                                           v.            National Food Security and Nutrition Programmes

                                         vi.            National Poverty Reduction Strategy.

                                      vii.            Coordinate formulation of School feeding Programme for 500,000 girl students Tawana Pakistan..

                                      viii.            Gender and Development.

·         Member of Core Group working on National Policy Framework for Human Rights. (Includes Women, Child, Minority and HR in general).


·         Prepared Federal Cabinet and National Security Council papers/briefs for Member NSC.

·         Coordinated Preparation of National Schools Meals programme for Rural Girls schools.


·         Interacted with Civil Society Organizations/NGOs, in order to develop partnerships for Public sector projects and policies, especially ones associated with Policy advocacy.


·         Member of the core group coordinating preparations for United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS 2001), which will be end-decade review of the last Child Summit.


·         Member of the committee, which coordinated and approved Media campaign for National Food Support Programme..


·         Prepared a “Policy Memorandum” which culminated in launching of “Enabling Environment Initiative” for Civil Society Development, in partnership with GOP and Pakistan Center for Philanthropy.




§         Coordinated all organizational matters pertaining to Pakistan Human Rights & Human Dignity Convention 2000. (HRHD-2000)

§         Member of the team, which prepared background papers for working groups of HRHD-2000 on following issues.

·         Human Rights Policy for Pakistan.

·         Women & Human Rights.

·         Children & Human Rights

·         Minorities & Human Rights.

·         Human Rights Education and Mass Awareness.


§         Coordinated follow–up action with Chief Executive’s Office and concerned Federal Ministries & Provincial Governments on recommendations of HRHD-2000.

§         Member of following committees formed to implement recommendations of HRHD-2000.

o        Committee headed by Secretary Establishment on Human Rights training for Public functionaries.

o        Committee on Human Rights and Education headed by Secretary Education.


§         Coordinated participation of all major Civil Society Organizations, Donors and Diplomatic Community in the HRHD-2000.

§         Prepared a brief for the Federal Cabinet on Domestic Violence (Women Dying of Burn Injuries) and the legal framework. Proposed and drafted an amendment in the Pakistan Criminal Procedure Code (Sec 176-CrPC), it was approved and Law has been promulgated. (Sec-176-A, CrPC)




·         Facilitated the formulation of project on Women Representation in Local Government, (CCRW) in office of Minister for Women Development.


·         Facilitated all matters pertaining to setting up of National Commission on Status of Women (NCSW)


·         Prepared Community projects to reduce adverse environmental impact on rural women (Cotton Pickers, biogas plants, rural sanitation).


Deputy Secretary to Chief Minister Punjab, Government of Punjab (1997-1999)




·         Principal aide to Chief Minister.


·         Prepared Federal and Provincial Cabinet papers/briefs for the Chief Minister.


·         Dealt with all policy issues pertaining to Annual Development Programme formulation for the Province of Punjab including issues of allocating scarce resources for projects and their implementation constraints.


·         Focal point for Major reform initiatives launched in Education sector, re-organizing School Management Committees.


·         Focal Point for campaign launched for combating Cheating and unfair means in examinations.


·         Co-ordinate and liaison with Ministers and Legislators on behalf of Chief Minister.


·         Responsible for interaction with Donor Organizations and foreign investors.


·         Facilitated dialogue and conflict resolution between Government of Punjab and NGO’s, after the controversy over the proposed legislation for regulating NGO sector.


·         Facilitated setting up of Punjab Rural Support Programme, a NPO through government endowment ($ 10 Million) for fostering grass roots community organizations.


·         Organized Chief Minister’s official foreign visits to China, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea. (Initiatives to attract direct foreign investment).




·         Prepared a policy paper and plan of action for training and professional development of middle level officers in Government of Punjab for the Chief Minister. It envisaged training in New Public Management through private sector universities and training organizations, and by international training experts in Pakistan. The above project was successfully presented to the DFID, which agreed to provide 3 million Pounds.


·         Successfully piloted and proposed a module on Participatory Rural Development for under training Assistant and Extra Assistant Commissioners through attachment with Rural Support Programmes (NRSP/PRSP)


Additional Deputy Commissioner, Chakwal District, Punjab. (Sept.1996-Feb.1997)




·         Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the District and Additional District Magistrate.


·         Chief Executive/Administrator of Municipal Council.


·         Secretary of Board of Governors supervising local Public school providing quality English medium education


·         Designed and launched a scholarship scheme for needy students giving scholarship to 1000 boys and girls.


·         Supervised formulation of School Management Committees.


·         Coordinated and supervised activities of all the Federal and Provincial Line departments in the district.


·         Prepared a development Plan for the city by involving Civil Society Organizations and NGOs.


·         Secretary of district development Committee, where all development projects were approved and supervised.


·         Developed linkages between government departments and NGO’s.



Assistant Commissioner/ Sub-divisional Magistrate in different Sub-districts. Faisalabad (Under Training), Ahmadpur East (Bahawalpur), Tandlianwala (Faisalabad) and Wazirabad (Gujranwala). (May, 1992-Sept, 1996)



·         Worked as Chief Executive officer of the Sub-Division.


·         Administrator/Chief Executive of Municipal Councils and supervised Rural Local Councils.


·         Supervised all Municipal Schools.


·         Supervised functioning of all line departments i.e. health, education, public works, local government, agriculture, irrigation, telecommunication, electricity etc.


·         In all sub-divisions launched an educational scholarship scheme for need students, providing scholarship to approx 500 girls and boys, through locally raised resources.


·         Established NGOs for setting up quality educational institutes.


·         Established a Library for students in Public park complex.


·         As first Assistant Commissioner, established Tandlianwala Sub-division (Faisalabad).  Public welfare projects worth Rs.300 million were executed/completed in record time of one year. These projects included colleges, Fifty primary schools, urban roads, twenty bed hospital, farm to market roads, library, urban sewerage scheme, on-farm water management schemes, government offices, canals, sport stadium, press club, library and auditorium for community functions. (1994-1995)


·         Supervised flood relief operations in Jhang district. Rs. 245 million were distributed as relief.  49000 people were evacuated, provided emergency relief assistance and rehabilitated. (1992).


·         Incharge of Emergency Evacuation & Relief to 10,000 inhabitants of 44 villages of Wazirabad in floods of 1996. Organized and conducted visits of Prime Minister, Chief Minister and Governor to flood affected areas.


·         Facilitated Capacity Building of community organization/NGO’s in Wazirabad, in coordination with an umbrella NGO, Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO).








Sponsoring Agency



Visited following institutions in Washington DC, as part of fellowship at Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University:

·         National Endowment for Democracy.

·         US Institute of Peace.

·         State Department.

·         International Center for Non Profit Law.


Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University, NC USA.

Duke University

Oct 2002.


An Inaugural Symposium “Environment and Development: Towards Sustainability In The 21st Century”

Harvard University Center for the Environment.

Cambridge. Mass. USA

Watson Institute.

Brown University. RI USA

Three Days

(April, 2002)



Attended number of Seminars, Symposia and Presentations on Sustainable Development in Washington DC. In following organizations.

·         International Food & Policy Research Institute.

·         United States Environment Protection Agency.

·         World Resources Institute.

·         Conservancy International.

·         UNEP. North America.

·         World Bank. Environment Division.

·         WWF.

Watson Institute.

Brown University. RI USA

Henry Luce Foundation.


One Week

(March, 2002)


Attended Seminars and Presentations on following projects at Tellus Institute (SEIB), Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

·         IT and Sustainable Development.(SEIB)

·         Harvard project on American Indian Economic Development. KSG-Harvard.

·         Laboratory for Energy and the Environment. (MIT)

·         Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies of Developing Areas-SPURS (MIT)

Stockholm Environment Institute-Boston.

J.F. Kennedy School of Government. Harvard University.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Mass. USA

Watson Institute.

Brown University. RI USA

Two Days

(Feb. 2002)


Participated in Following Modules as part of Watson International Scholars of Environment Program.

·         GIS –Arc view.

·         Environmental Economics.

·         Population and Environment.

·         Conflict Resolution.

·         Negotiation Skills.

Watson Institute.

Brown University. RI USA

Henry Luce Foundation.


Three Days Each

(Feb-May 2002)


Citizen Sector Self-Regulation and Regulation Workshop


NGO Resource Centre. Pakistan

Agha Khan Foundation

One Day

(August, 2000)



“Economy, Environment and LDC’s response to Globalization”


Lahore University of Management Sciences.Pakistan


LEAD International

New York

Two Weeks

(June 2000)


“Diversity and Society in Transition: Challenges for Sustainability in a Globalized World”

·         Participatory Approaches.

·         Conflict Resolution, Negotiation and Problem Solving.

·         System Thinking.

·         Stake Holder Dialogue.

ABDL-LEAD International

Sao Palo, Brazil


New York

Two Weeks



Visited following HRD Institutions in order to study culture change initiatives launched in U.K (Investors in People, Citizens Charter, Executive Agencies.)

·         Crown Agents, Management Training Centre. Worthing.

·         Civil Service College Sunningdale Park. London

·          Innovation Unit, Modernizing Government Sectt.Cabinet Office London.

·         Central Police Training Unit, Manchester.

·         HRD center National Power Company UK.

British Council,

University of Manchester.


One Week

(Oct, 1999)


Seminar on Coordinated Reform Agenda Management. Change Management in Government.

Adam Smith Institute London.


October 1999.


“The Art & Skills of Media Interview-a must for Public Functionaries”

Edel Communications. NY.

Adam Smith Institute London

October 1999.


Seminar on Institutional Reforms in Educational Sector.


Department of Education, Government of Punjab. Lahore

Royal Norwegian Embassy and Multi-Donor Support Unit.(World Bank)



One Day (May, 1999)


Workshop on Communication and Transferable Personal Skills. (Presentation Skills)

Manchester Graduate School of Social Sciences

University of Manchester

Three Days

(June, 1998)


Workshop on GIS and Development- a case study of Indian Experience”

Department of Economics

University of Manchester

One Day

(Jan 1998)




·         Manual of “Community Owned Sanitation”—an initiative to upgrade Slum Localities. Co-authored  (Nov.2001).


·         Background Paper and proposed/drafted amendment in Law, against domestic Violence against Women (Death by Burning) for the Federal Cabinet. Proposal approved and Law was promulgated. (August 2000—October 2001).


·         Report of Pakistan Convention on Human Rights and Human Dignity. Co-authored. (April 2000.)


·         “Change Management”. A research paper (1998)


·         “Performance Management and its applicability in organizations in Less Developed countries”. A study paper. (1998)


·         “Organizational Development as Practiced by Western Practitioners in LDC,s is Cultural Imperialism” A study paper.(1998)


·         “The Applicability of New Public Management in Developing Countries: The Case of Civil Service of Pakistan.” Dissertation submitted for MSc Human Resource Management degree at University of Manchester. Replicability of Executive agencies (Next Step Principle) in LDC,s with special reference to Cultural, Social, Political and Economic milieu has been analyzed.


·         “How to Manage Organizational Culture?” A Study Paper.(1997)


·         “ Computerization of Personnel records”. A study in introduction of Public Management Information Systems in Less Developed Countries”. (1997)


·         “Faisalabad Urban Transport Society (FUTS): A New Concept in Urban Transport”. Working of this private-public initiative was reviewed, with a view to replicate it in other cities of Punjab. (1997).


·         “ A Case Study of Madaras in Ahmadpur East”. This area being hub of sectarian militancy, an effort was made to empirically analyze the nexus between rise of Sectarian Terrorism and Religious Schools. (1994)


·         “Role of Women in Pakistani Society” a syndicate study for Civil Service Academy.



·         Presentation to Education Minister Punjab and Country Director World Bank, Pakistan on “Community based initiatives for Education and Sanitation”, Rahim Yar Khan, Government of Punjab, (March 2003)


·         Presentation on “State of Civil Society in Pakistan: Enabling Legal Framework”, Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University, NC USA.


·         Presentation on “Government of Pakistan Initiatives to address Gender Disparities”, IFAD Conference on Gender Gap and Reality Check, Islamabad. (September 2002)


·         Presentation on “Pakistan’s Madrassahs§: Problems and Policies?” A plan to address the issue of extremist religious seminaries, by involving Civil Society Organizations. . At Brookings Institution Washington DC. USA (April, 2002).

§  Religious seminaries.


·         Presentation on “Social Mobilization for Community Development and Poverty Alleviation-RSP: Case Study from Pakistan” at Watson Institute of International Studies. Brown University, Providence RI USA. (April. 2002)


·         Presentation on “Social Mobilization for Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development” to Sociology Department of Rhode Island Collage, Providence RI USA. (March. 2002)


·         Presented a case Study on “Beyond Social Mobilization” on Community Development to the Inaugural session of South Asia Social Mobilization Network (SASMoN), in which community development experts from all SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) countries participated. (Islamabad, August 2001).


·         Presentation to Corps Commander Bahawalpur on Community Based Sanitation Model, and its Replication. (Lodhran, May, 2001)



·         Prepared a Policy Memorandum for the Federal Minister for Social Welfare and Women Development, on NGO-Government relationship. The Federal Cabinet and the President approved this. It is being followed as official policy vis-à-vis Civil Society.


·         Drafted Byelaws & Constitution of Lodhran Pilot Project. An NGO working in field of community owned sanitation. Registered under Societies Act of 1860.


·         Established following NGO,s as Assistant Commissioner. Drafted the byelaws and piloted them through the registration process. (1995,1996)


·         Tandlianwala Education Society. Tandlianwala (TEST)

·         Wazirabad Education Society. Wazirabad. (WISE).

·        Member of the team, which drafted byelaws and constitution of following NGOs established by Commissioner office Faisalabad.

·        Faisalabad Sports Society.

·        Faislabad Urban Transport Society (FUTS)




·         Team Leader/ Programme Coordinator of Lodhran Pilot Project. (2000-todate)

It is a Not for Profit organization. Working in field of slum up gradation through community sanitation. An Action Research project on community owned low cost sanitation in slum localities. Working Pro Bono Publico, in honorary capacity.


·         Secretary Board of Governors of Chakwal District Public School.


·         Chairman Of Sub-Divisional Sports Committee (1993-1996) Voluntary work for youth promotion and sports in different Sub Divisions of Punjab as Chairman of Sports Committee.


·         President of Community Club. (1994-96) In Tandlianwala and Wazirabad subdivision a community club was set up catering for social needs, sports, local Philanthropy, art and literature.



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