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      Watson International Scholar, Brown University program, at Watson Institute of International Studies, Brown University Rhodes Island USA  (Jan-May, 2002)


Core Courses Conflict Resolution, Stakeholder Negotiations, Consensus Building International Environmental Health, Public Policy and Sustainable Development.


      MSc in Human Resource Management, Institute for Development policy and Management, University of Manchester (1997-1998)


Major thrust was on Change Management in Public Sector, Applicability of New Public Management and HRM concepts and practices in LDC’s public sector, public sector organizational behaviour, Organizational Development, Process Consultancy and Action Learning, Learning Organizations, Individual Learning and Organizational Change


          Civil Services Academy Lahore, Pakistan (1990-92)


In service specialized professional training for officers of Federal Civil Services of Pakistan: Training in Management, Public Administration, Local and District Governance, Finance and Law.


          MBBS, Khyber Medical College, University of Peshawar. (1982-87)




·         Selected for “International Programme for Sustainability Management”, Jointly organized by Sustainability Management Foundation (SCF) Netherlands and Consensus Building Institute Boston USA. It is a highly-specialized Programme on “Negotiation Skills and Conflict Resolution”. Ziest Netherlands. (June 2003)


·         Selected for Professional Development Course at School international and Public Affairs, University of Columbia, New York (June 2003).Organized by 92 Y, through Ford Motor Company Fellowship: one of twenty mid carrier professionals selected after international competition. (June 2003)


·         Selected  to represent Pakistan in Regional workshop on “Role of Education in Confliction Resolution/Generation”. Colombo, Sri Lanka. United States Institute of Peace (USIP), May 2003.


·         Fleishmann Fellow for Civil Society, Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University, NC USA. Oct-2002. (One of Six fellows selected after international Competition)


·         Fellowship of Watson International Scholar in Environment, a programme for Mid-career professionals, at Brown University Rhodes Island USA, it is collaboration between Brown University and UNEP. Twelve Fellows were selected from different LDCs after international competition. (Jan-May, 2002)   


·         Fellowship of LEAD (Leadership in Environment and Development)- a two year IT intensive professional development course with emphasis on Leadership, Sustainable Development and Globalization. It involves a network of mid-career professionals from 35 countries. Visited Brazil and China during fellowship. (Oct, 1999- Sept, 2001)


·         Department for International Development (DFID) award for attending a training seminar on “ Coordinated Reform Agenda Management” at Adam Smith Institute London UK. It focused on “Re-inventing Government and New Public Management” (Oct, 1999)


·         Selected for Britannia Chevening Programme award managed by British Council, for postgraduate study in Great Britain. (1997-98)


·         Qualified Federal Superior Services Examination, got 12th position in countrywide competition and stood First in North West Frontier Province, allocated to District Management Group (1990). A Constitutional Commission conducts examination.



·         Well versed in use of MS Word, excel, PowerPoint (with video), Email, and Internet.

·         Module on GIS at Brown University RI USA.



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This site was last updated 12/20/04