Hamid Rustamov, IPF Fellow 2004


Project Proposal
Project Mentors
Interim Reports
Final Reports


Curriculum Vitae

Hamid Rustamov


(992-372) 211783 (off.) 

992-93-5035350 (Mobile)

125 Borbad St.,                        Dushanbe, 734032





Economics, Microfinance and Enterprise Development Specialist. With over three years experience in economics, microfinance, rural finance, financial sector reform, institutional development, and enterprise support services. Technical expertise to the World Bank Project and Mercy Corps International Program. Accomplished Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, M.A. Program.

·         Economics

·         Microfinance

·         Enterprise Development and Promotion

·         Financial Sector Reform and Alternative Financing

·         Work experience in accounts, finance and loan departments of the commercial banks

·         Design and Management of Projects and Investments

·         Institutional Capacity Building and Provision of Technical Assistance

M.A. – Specialization in Economics and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, May 2000

B. A. – World Economy (International Economic Relations), Technological University of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, June 1998


Trainings: Center for Computer Training and Research, Technology of Participation – Group Facilitation Methods, Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation, Financial Analysis for Agriculture Loans, International Management, Delinquency Management and Interest Rate Setting, ToT, Financial Analysis – Tajikistan, India and Hungary.

















- Mother tongue -






Work Experience:


Mercy Corps - Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Economic Development Manager, February 2004 – Present


Mercy Corps is an international NGO that has been working in Tajikistan since 1994. The Economic Development Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the development, implementation, and monitoring/evaluation of community based economic development programs. The EDO will work closely with the Economic Development Manager, implementing partners, and existing community development teams. The position is based in Dushanbe with regular travel to sites in Raasht Valley and Khatlon.


General Duties:


Project Development and Coordination













To ensure the coordination of daily economic development activities and communication between program management and Economic Development officers;

To effectively liaison with government officials, implementing partners, community groups and international agencies in support of project activities;

To identify appropriate training partners for CAIP staff and beneficiaries and coordinate the implementation of training programs;

To develop systems and procedures for credit programs and to have regular communication with implementing partners regarding these procedures;

To review reports prepared by CAIP credit partners and taking appropriate follow-up;

To assist in the procurement and preparation of documents for economic infrastructure projects;

To coordinate the integration of economic activities with on-going infrastructure and social projects through regular communication with mobilization teams and management.


Monitoring and Evaluation






To collect and review field office reports and to prepare regular reports and assessments of project activities;

To utilize and promote use of open and transparent reporting of project activities;

To collect, review and distribute financial reports from CAIP credit partners;

To make regular visits to project sites and prepare reports.


Mercy Corps - Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Supervisor of Agricultural Credit Program, January 2002 – February 2004


Mercy Corps is an international relief and development organization working in Tajikistan since 1994 and providing emergency food assistance and improving community health, water and sanitation, agriculture support, NGO capacity building, and disaster preparedness. In 2002 Mercy Corps initiated Agricultural credit program in Tajikistan for provision of steady growth of food production and food availability to the people of Tajikistan by using new strategy for systematical improvement of all production and distribution network of food products through provision of micro-credits to the producers and entrepreneurs in agriculture for improvement of production and distribution network.


General Duties:















Coordination of development of policies, procedures and best practices for a sustainable, revolving credit system for agricultural development;

Supervision and monitoring the partner NGO’s implementation of adopted credit policies, procedures and practices;

Preparation of terms of reference and support in selection of employees of credit program;

Assessment of participation and impact of the credit program and the effectiveness of the training and technical assistance for the recipients;

Supervision of two agricultural credit programs in two different regions of Tajikistan with total number of staff 38 persons;

Budgeting of operational expenses and loan fund for two programs and monitoring of their financial reports;

Preparation of monthly, quarterly and cumulative financial and progress reports.

Represent program in contacts with government officials, donors, program participants, etc.


Dushanbe Water Supply Project Coordination Unit (World Bank Financed Project) – Dushanbe, Tajikistan,

Translator/Interprator, August 2001 – January 2002


The project is funded by the World Bank credit and implemented by the Dushanbe Water Supply Project Coordination Unit (PCU). Project is designed for reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Dushanbe water supply system, which supply drinking water to the population of the capital city of Tajikistan.


General Duties:









Provision of timely and qualitative written translation of all necessary Dushanbe Water Supply PCU documents from English into Russian (Tajik) and vise versa;

Making written translation of the incoming and outgoing correspondence from English into Russian (Tajik) and vice versa;

Provision of oral translation during meetings with the representatives of international organizations, World Bank etc;

Provision of interpretation during videoconferences with the World Bank headquarters specialists.


Open Joint Stock Company “Textile” – Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Economist, Department of Economics and Planning, July 2000 – August 2001


Open Join Stock Company “Textile” is the largest commercial enterprise of light industry in Tajikistan. Employs more than 6000 people and processes more than 20000 MT of cotton for production of fiber and fabrics.


General Duties:






Design and preparation of short-term and long-term plans;

Calculation of cost prices of different products;

Preparation of reports on economic activities;

Collection of materials and financial data for discussions in preparation of plans and analysis of results of economic activities.




Department of Finance of the Municipality – Penjikent, Tajikistan.

Financial Specialist Intern, Department of Budget Policy, July-August 1997.         


Joint Stock Commercial Bank “Orionbank” -  Penjikent, Tajikistan

Financial Specialist Intern, Department of Finance and Credit, July-August 1996.


Joint Stock Commercial Bank “Sharq” -  Penjikent, Tajikistan

Financial Specialist Intern, Department of Finance and Credit, July-August 1995.


Joint Stock Commercial Bank “Orionbank” – Penjikent, Tajikistan

Financial Specialist Intern, Department of Finance and Credit, July-August 1994.


Training Programs:


November 2004 - Dushanbe, Tajikistan - Microfinance Center for C&EE and NIS, Poland

Training Course on Financial Analysis, Certificate


June 2003 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan – USAID/Urban Institute, Kazakhstan, Central Asia Region Local Government Initiative – II, Training of Trainers, Certificate


November 2002 - Dushanbe, Tajikistan - Microfinance Center for C&EE and NIS, Poland

Training Course on Delinquency Management and Interest Rate Setting, Certificate


May 2002 – Budapest, Hungary – Open Society Institute, Hungary

Session on International Management, Certificate


April 2002 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan - Winrock International Institute, Iowa State University, USA

Training Seminar on Financial Analysis for Agriculture Loans, Certificate


January 2002 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan - Institute of Cultural Affairs, UK

Training Course on Technology of Participation – Group Facilitation Methods, Certificate


January 2002 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan - Institute of Cultural Affairs, UK

Training Session on Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation, Certificate


March 2000 – New Delhi, India - Center for Computer Training and Research, India

Training Course on Computer programs, Certificate


Professional Associations:




 Member of Association of Young Economists of Tajikistan.



 Hamid Rustamov

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