Русская версия
“Civic Engagement Policies of the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Russian Federation

Project Timetable

April 2005,
1st month
Policy and IT training at Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest and the first meeting of the working group "Challenges to Civil Society in Former Soviet Union"

Development of project web-site

Refining project design

Drafting position paper

Drafting initial action and advocacy plan
May 2005,
2nd month
Making initial contacts on the study, provide information and obtain initial feedback from EBRD, WB and some Russian authorities on the design and projected outcome of the study, its possible practical use

Disseminate information on the study through media partners of the St.Petersburg "Strategy" Center

Attending the annual meeting of the EBRD, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 20-24 May, including interviewing EBRD officials 

Interviewing some Moscow-based civil society organizations

Updating the web-site

Drafting a issue paper

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor
June 2005, 3rd month

Trip to Novossibirsk to interview civil society organizations

Updating the web-site

Finalizing the issue paper

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor
July 2005, 4th month

Updating the web-site, creation of the Russian version of the web-site

Attending the 3rd ECA region NGO Assembly for interaction with the WB, 8-11 June, Bratislava (Slovakia), and interviews with Russian CSO participants

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor.
August 2005, 5th month

Drafting policy paper- research outline.

Updating the web-site

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor
September 2005, 6th month

Interviews with the WB officials, Moscow

Trip to a Russia's region to interview civil society organizations

Drafting policy paper 

Interim report to OSI

Updating the web-site

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor
October 2005,
7th month

Updating the web-site

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor
November 2005, 8th month

Updating the web-site

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor
December 2005, 9th month

Policy training at OSI (Istanbul)

Completion of the policy paper

Updating the web-site

Completion of narrative project and budget updates
January 2006, 10th month

Submission and publication of the policy paper

Updating the web-site

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor
February 2006, 11th month

Updating the web-site 

Meetings with and/or dissemination to the WB, EBRD and Russian authorities and presentation of the policy paper

Monthly activity report to the working group mentor
March 2006,
12th month

Participate in the EBRD civil society consultations on "Sakhalin-II" project (Moscow)

Participate in the civil society consultations organized by the Murmansk Oblast Administration on the "Strategic master plan for nuclear vessel decommissioning" project (Murmansk)
Final activity report and completion of the final policy paper

Updating the web-site
April 2006,
13th month

Policy Evaluation training at OSI

Final report to group mentor
June 2006
Trip to EBRD (London) and CIVICUS World Assembly-2006 (Glasgow) for presentation of the policy paper

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