Русская версия

Activity Report
  September 2005

1. Web-site was maintained, including Russian version.

2. Work on the final research paper continued.

3. Interim narrative and financial report were prepared and submitted to OSI IPF program

4. I took part in the international forum “Development of NGOs' Cooperation in the European North: current situation and perspectives”. The conference took place in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia (North-West Russia) on 15-16 September, and was co-organized by:

- NGO Council by the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia

- Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs

- Head of the Republic of Karelia

- Council of Europe

- NGO Council by the Interparliamentary Group of the RF

- Russian Chamber of Commerce.

The Forum was an umbrella for a number of roundtables, sessions and a conference. One of the roundtable discussions was on the bill on international relations of the subjects of the Russian Federation. 

The Forum was attended by Russian CSOs, regional and federal authorities, businesses, foreign diplomats and officials from the Council of Europe.

I took place in the business session, which was organized and sponsored by the OAO “Kondapoga” – timber & paper company, one of the world leading paper&packaging producers. High level regional executive and legislative officials took part in all 3 days of the conference. The conference was based on the resolution from the previous similar event in Petrozavodsk of 18 January 2005. The Forum organizers suggested draft resolution and specific inputs from thematic sessions, which were later discussed over e-mail and will be finalized in October. The draft resolution contained a number of commitments from the part of federal authorities on development of civic engagement policy, research of civil society, educational activities on certain matters advancement of cross-sectoral dialogue. I also submitted my comments to the draft resolution based on my draft policy-paper. It should be noted that St.Petersburg “Strategy” Center closely cooperates with the NGO Council by the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia, co-orgnaizer of the Forum. During the conference, I also made several interviews, including Vladimir Veselov, Coordinator of the NGO Council by the Interparliamentary Group of the RF, Andrey Sukhorukov, head of advanced planning center by the Administration of Pertrozavodsk city (questionnaire by e-mail) and Maria Kuzbozheva from the inter-regional civil society movement “Komi voitr” – ethnic association of native populations of Russia’s North.

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