Activity report June 2005

  1. Issue paper was composed and placed on the web-site.
  2.  Web-site was maintained with the following documents uploaded: activity report (May 2005), Issue Paper.
  3. Work on the final research paper continued.
  4. I took part in the Forum “Sustainability of Civil Society Organizations in Post-Accession CEE Countries, the CIS, the Balkans and Turkey (3rd ECA region NGO Forum for interaction with the World Bank), 8-11 June, Bratislava (Slovakia). At the forum I interviewed some of the few Russian participations, made a presentation (as a resource person) in the session “Public Consultations and Information Disclosure” (where I essentially discussed the theme of my IPF research), and presented on the projects of the Center “Strategy” on development of the institute of Ombudsman at the Knowledge Forum. I also had a chance to talk to people from Environmental and Social Development Department of the World Bank and World Bank Institute. For more information, visit
  5. Arrangement were made for participation at the Fundraising School organized by the Siberian Center for the Support of Civic Initiatives (Novossibirsk), 11-15 July. At the school I plan to make a mater-class on private foundations with mixed budget (with the example of the Partnership for Transparency Fund, , hold 2 parts of research in the frame of CIVICUS Civil Society Index (consultations with stakeholders and expert interviews), as well as have a series of interviews on IPF research.


More detailed information from any of the listed above items may be available upon request.

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