International Policy Fellowship

 I hold an MA in Public Policy from the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, and  in Public Administration and Public Policy from the University of York, United Kingdom, an LL.M from the University of Lagos, Nigeria- a professional license to practice as Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria from the Nigerian Law School, and an LL.B degree (with honours) from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

I am a recipient of the prestigious International Policy Fellowship of the Center for Policy Studies, Hungary (2006) and a special peer award for my contributions to good governance advocacy in Nigeria (2007).  I  am also a  recipient  of the  UAC  Nigeria  Higher  Education Scholarship  and the  European  Union's  Erasmus  Mundus  Scholarships.

My interest and work experience is in Democracy and Governance with emphasis on justice sector reforms, political participation - elections and social actions, economic reforms, the budgeting process, fiscal responsibility, public procurement and anti-corruption measures. I have been part of many major civil society interventions in these areas.

I had worked, before now, as the National Coordinator of the Transition Monitoring Group- the major elections observation group in Nigeria and Concerned Professionals. I have experience working with and managing projects funded by the European Commission (EC), United States Agency for International Aid (USAID), the British Department for International Development (DFID), the Open Society Institute for West Africa (OSIWA), Henrich Boell Foundation (HBF) and several other development partners. I have also participated in several relevant international conferences and seminars.

Presently I am working as an Intern  in the Centre for Policy Studies at the Central European University, Hungary.

I have consulted for the Federal Government of Nigeria on the SEEDS benchmarking exercise in 2006, and also served as a member of the Technical Committee on the Lagos State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy Document (LASSEDS) from 2004 to 2007 among several others. 

You can access my CV in PDF format here.

International Policy Fellow
©John Onyeukwu 2009. Last updated June 2009