The structure of the report
1. Cooperation with Ukrainian NGOs and research centers
2. Research project implementation
3. Seminar/Conferences Participation
4. Publications

National level experts have been identified and interviewed during the Summer and early Autumn. Almost 50 persons have been interviewed. The preliminary results have been summarized and presented at the 2nd International Conference "Information, Prognosis, Analysis - Strategic Factors of the Effective State Governance" organized by the Ministry of Education and Sciences and the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information in October 2001
The list of organizations/institutions etc in  which national and local  experts were identified and interviewed can  be found here
As the mail survey of raion newspapers' editors  has not been included into the initial research and project design, there  is a need to justify the decision to launch it.
First, the importance of rural raion newspapers for informing peasants about  their rights as land owners is very high because significant part of rural  newspapers' readers prefer them and other local (oblast or regional) newspapers.  Second, the overwhelming majority of the rural raion newspapers are founded  by raion state administrations and, by the nature of such a status, are potentially  very important channel and instrument of the state information policy in the sphere of land and agricultural reforms. Third, rural raion newspapers will keep being very important part of the Ukrainian rural information space in the years to come and their current status (ownership), financial, information,  human, etc. resources need to be assessed in order to construct rural information  environment more susceptible to peasants' information needs. The final point  is closely connected to the last one. The issue of the journalist freedom,  freedom of speech and development of the independent mass media is high on  the public agenda. The debate over the status of the rural raion newspapers  has been only recently initiated, from this standpoint. Given the absence  of the sufficient advertisement market in the rural areas and alternative  sources of financing, and highly uneven development of the rural information  space (the possibility to watch national TV, radio, not to mention subscription  to national and even local newspapers), this issue has to be solved very carefully.
The goal of the survey is to analyze current financial, human and information  resources of the rural raion newspapers, 'the degree of their freedom' from  the raion authorities, their responsiveness to the needs of their rural audiences,  and to get raion newspapers' editors' expert evaluation of the peasants' awareness of their land and property ownership rights, of the rural information space and adequacy of the land reform coverage by the only one national TV broadcast "Silskyj chas" [Rural time] and oblast TV, radio and newspapers. The survey is aimed at receiving raion editors' proposals on improving the peasants' awareness of their rights and conditions of the raion newspapers as well.        
The survey of raion newspapers' editors has not been initially included  into the project design because I did not expect that I would be able to receive the support of some national executive agency. As soon as the support has been provided by the Coordinating Council on Agrarian Policy under the Cabinet of Ministries (I am very grateful for it to Mr. Roman Korinets, the Strategic Area Manager at the Council), the survey was made possible.
The recent revival of the governmental interest to the state information  policy (newly appointed Head of the State Committee Mr. Chizh submitted redrafted  Concept of the State Information Policy to the Cabinet of Ministries one week ago) proved that the decision to launch such a survey has been timely
During the period of the Project implementation, the following conferences and seminars have been attended:

1) “The Role of Agrarian Information in the Transition to European   Integration”, Kyiv, Ukraine, 21-26 May 2001
The conference has been organized by the The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, The Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Association of the Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD), etc.

The following topics have been addressed by the conference participants:
  1. Role of agricultural statistical, scientific, technical and market information on path to European integration
  2. International organizations and development of agricultural information systems
  3. European cooperation in creation and distribution of agricultural information
  4. International exchange by agricultural information using WEB-technologies and its standardization
  5. Creation and utilization of banks (bases) of agricultural statistical and scientific and technical information of mass using
  6. Library resources: development and exchange. Cooperation between National agricultural libraries
  7. The development systems of information and consulting service (Extension Service)
  8. The distant agricultural education and consulting
The purpose of my attending this conference has been to receive first-hand information about recent initiative of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine to deploy the network of agricultural consulting centers throughout the country.

Raison d’etre of the centers is to provide business, legal, financial, technological etc advice and consulting services to the whole range of agricultural business entities, from large agricultural enterprises to small private house holdings conducting profit-oriented activity. 

2) 5th Conference of the Polish Association “Cities on the Internet”   titled “Information Society as a Guarantee of Democracy”,      20-23 June 2001, Zakopane, Poland

The conference was held under the honorary patronage of DG INFSO of European Commission, Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), European Local Authorities Telematic Network Initiative (ELANET), President of Poland, Parliamentary Commission of Self-government and Regional Politics, State Committee of Scientific Research and Ministry of Telecommunications.

It has been organized by Federation of Municipalities and Regions, Krakow, Poland, "Cities on Internet" Association, Tarnów, National Contact Point of 5 th Framework Programme in Poland - Institute of Basic Technological Problems at Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Municipium S.A., Warsaw, Tatrzanski District, Zakopane and Association of Polish Cities, Poznan. 

The purpose of my participation has been to acquire the insight into the recent developments and experience of information society building and ICT applications in local government-citizens communication, ICT component of the state information policy in Poland and European Union, and to explore opportunities for launching similar projects in Ukraine, forming the partnerships of Ukrainian and Polish local governments, and securing funding for such activities from the EU, international organizations

3) The Second International Conference "Information, Analysis, Prognosis   - Strategic Factors of Effective State Governance", October 11-12, 2001,   Kyiv, Ukraine
The conference has been organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information (UkrINTEI).
The following topics have been brought by organizers to the discussion:
  1. An importance of prognostic and analytical information technologies for developing state scientific, technical and socio-economic policies
  2. The role of prognostic and analytical activity in meeting the information needs of the clients of national and regional levels, industrial sectors, enterprises and organizations of all property forms
  3. Scientific methods of prognostic and analytical activity
  4. Information resources and technologies - the basis for prognostic and analytical work
  5. An experience of Ukrainian and foreign think tanks
  6. Training and retraining analysts and prognosists in Ukraine
I presented the paper "The Ukrainian state information policy in the sphere of the Land and Agrarian Reforms: preliminary research results" published in the conference proceedings
4) Public Relations Winter School , Mass   Media Center, the Department of Journalism, the St Petersburg State University,    January 28 - February 6, 2002, St Petersburg, Russian Federation        
The program of the Winter School covered the following issues:
  1. Integrated marketing communications and PR-technologies
  2. PR-technologies in business
  3. Political and governmental Public Relations
  4. Crisis PR
  5. Technologies of manipulation
The presentation of the issue "Political and governmental PR" by leading department professors, the possibility to discuss the reality of Russian governmental PR with leading scholars of St Petersburg State University and to get 'first hand' experience of how PR industry (including the issue of providing PR services to the central, city and oblast governments) develops in the North-Western region underpinned my application for the participation in the Winter School.
On a formal side, I have successsfully completed the course and received the certificate of the school. Overall, I am satisfied with my participation in the school as all my expectations have been fulfilled. I managed to take an interview with the head of the Leningradskaja oblast press-service and to have fruiful discussions of governmental PR issues with political scientists and PR scholars at the university, and in leading PR agencies of St Petersburg and Leningradskaja oblast.     


1. N.Korchakova, A.Marusov. The Fifth Wheel in a Peasant Cart? The Role of Public Organizations in Land Reform in Ukraine // National Security and Defence, # 5 (17), 2001
The journal “National Security and Defence” is published by the Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies, the leading Ukrainian think-tank.

2. А.Марусов. Информационная политика украинского государства в сфере аграрной и земельной реформы: предварительные результаты исследования [forthcoming in the conference proceedings of the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information]

The ideas for further publications on the basis of the research conducted are being developed.

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