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Daiga Kamerāde

Mass Media and Mental Disability

Project supported by IPF Program 2004

My CV                                                                             

Work experience
Other exprience
Awards and scholarships
Publications and conference papers
Computer skills

  •  2004-curently studies for  PhD in Social and Political Sciences, (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • 2002-2003 MPhil in Social and Developmental Psychology (University of Cambridge, UK) .
  •   1998-2000 Master of Social Science in Psychology (Pedagogical University of Daugavpils, Latvia).
  • 1993-1997 Bachelor of Psychology (Higher School of Rezekne, Latvia).
Work experience

  • 2001-2003 August Head of Department of Organizational Psychology (Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Latvia
  • 1999 –2003 August Lecturer and Supervisor (Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Latvia) Courses: Organisational Psychology, Work Psychology, and Psychology of Advertising, Management Psychology and Methodology of Teaching Psychology
  •  2000-2002 Human Resource Management consultant, SIA ‘ Hansa-electronics’, Latvia
  •   1999 -2000 Administrator of Study Department (Riga Technical University Distance Education Study Centre, Latvia)
  •   1997-1999 Assistant Lecturer (Higher School of Rezekne, Latvia) Courses: General Psychology, Psychology of Communication, Social Psychology
  • 1997 -1999 Teacher in Psychology (High School of Varaklani, Latvia).
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Other exprience

  • Researcher in project  ‘ Psychological and social aspects of work life quality in organisations in Latvia’(funded by Latvian Council of Science) (July 2002 – October 2003)
  • The Chairperson of the Committee of Research and Mass media in the Society Integration Fund (Latvia) (2002/January- July)
  • Participation in the project “Training for Adult Educators for Nordic and Baltic countries” (2000 -2002)
  • Developing and leading training courses for employees in different companies (2000-2002)
  •    Author of popular science articles in organisational and occupational psychology for Internet portal Apollo (2000-2002), for career and education journal “Merkis” ( 2001-2002).
  • Moderator of focus groups and interviewer in market and public opinion research in different companies (SKDS, AGE, Alfresco) (2000-2002)
  • Participation in UNDP program ‘Training of trainers for women in business’ (22/03- 16/04/1999)
  • Guest lecturer in Riga International College of Business Administration ( October 2003 to May 2004);
  • Guest lecturer in Riga Technical University (March - May 2004)
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Awards and scholarships
  • Bursuary for young scientists, 2nd European Conference in Positive Psychology, Verbania Intra, Italy (5-8 July 2004)
  • Award of the Year 2003 for Young Scientists in Social SciencesLatvian Council of Sciences, Lattelekom and Latvian Foundation of Education (14 January 2004)
  • OSI /FCO Scholarship for Baltic States and Ukraine, 2002/2003
  • Nordic Council of Ministers Scholarship for research period in Nordic Folks Academy (Gothenburg, Sweden), 9JanuaryFebruary 2002

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Publications and conference papers.
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Computer skills
  •  Experienced user: MS Office, Lotus Notes, Internet programs
  • Intermediate: SPSS; EndNote, Reference Manager
  • Basics:  Adobe Photoshop, Web Page authoring).
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Language skills
Latvian- native, English – fluently, Russian – fluently, German- average

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Ballrom dancing
Project management

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Last updated
  28 July  2004