Sorin Ioniţă




Academic courses
Research, publications



Interesting links

The Economist


Congratulations, you made the right choice, if you ask me. There is no special point about these photos, they are obviously a diversion from the main topic. I took some of them during our first meeting in Budapest; the others just happened to be at hand when I built the website. Click to see the full size version.

Budapest by night, from the Citadel

Breakfast at Gellert
View from the bastion
Szechenyi bridge
The Parliament

On the way back from Budapest, in Romania
My flowers, totally irrelevant to the project
My flowers, totally irrelevant to the project Yearning

Visiting innovative rural development project in Romania
Visiting consolidation project at Agapia Monastery
Visiting consolidation project at Agapia Monastery Visiting consolidation project at Agapia Monastery
© 2005 Sorin Ionita