Aida Ghazaryan

2003 International Policy Fellow



Home Address
Str. Eznik Koghbatsy 2a, apt. 84
Yerevan, Armenia 375010
Tel.: (3741) 53 44 08
Cell phone: (3749) 42 94 66

Education & Training Courses


Scholarships & Activities


Career Related Experience & Projects




Interests, Computer and Language Skills, References



August 1999- June 2000                                                                  






September 1994- May 1999                                                            




September 1997- May 1998                                                                                                                                         


Master of Arts (with Merit)
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary                    

Major: Human Rights
Legal Studies Department/Human Rights Program

GPA: 3.52
Graduation Thesis: “Disability Rights: Possibilities of Implementing the Rights of People with Mental Disabilities in Armenia”


Researches: Women’s Rights in Armenia; The Legal Doctrine of Informed Consent, its Scope and Exceptions; Human Rights, Social Values and History; Sources of International Law; Right to Health within the Context of Human Rights Protection in Armenia, etc.


Diploma in Philology (with Honors)
Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia

Majors: English, French
Department of Roman-Germanic Philology

Second specialization: Foreign Literature
GPA: 5.0 (equal to American GPA 4.0)
Graduation Thesis: “Cultural Awareness as an Aim in Foreign Language Teaching”



Bachelor of Arts
Utica College of Syracuse University,                                          

Majors: English as a Second Language,
Utica, New York, USA                                                                   

Minor: French
GPA: 3.91                 

 Training Courses

March 1- 14, 2003

June 2-13, 2003


September 30- November 22          



 9-20 July, 2001   



August 1997 


June 12,1995-June 28, 1995     


August 23-26, 2003

Certificate in Public Policy  (expected 2004)

Training Seminars

International Policy Fellowship Program (IPF)                                           

Budapest, Hungary


Certificate of Participation        
University of Birmingham, Institute of European Law,                

Human Rights Law and Practice Program (full  scholarship by Council of Europe), Birmingham, England    


Certificate of Completion
Central European University Summer University,                       

Health Care Law from a European Perspective
Budapest, Hungary


Certificate of Completion
University of California, Davis, CA                                             

 Pre-Academic Orientation, Training Program


Certificate of Completion
American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia                

Intensive Course in political communication in Democratic States



Certificate of Completion

British East-West Center based in London and NGO "Center of Comparative Jurisprudence", Yerevan, Armenia

Seminar on “Promoting Compliance of the European Convention on Human Rights”

OSI & CPS, International Policy Fellowship, Project "Reproductive Rights and Health in Armenia", March 2003-March 2004

OSI Scholarship to undertake MA in Human Rights, Central European University, July 1999-July 2000

USIA Full Grant for one academic year in the United States within the framework of ACTR/ACCELS Freedom Support Act, July 1997-August 1998

Dean’s Honor List at Utica College of Syracuse University- Fall 1997, Spring 1998, Summer 1998

Personal Scholarship after V. Verfel at Yerevan State University, Spring 1997- Fall 1997


International Medical Conference, July 1-3, 2003, Yerevan, Armenia

Member of NGO “Women For Dialogue”,  May 2002- present, Yerevan, Armenia

Founding Member of NGO "Human Rights Students’ Initiative", Central European University, January 2000-present, Budapest, Hungary

"Europe is..." multinational programme, August 2-17, 2002, Carfizzi (Crotone), Italy

‘Rethinking Europe’ UACES 30th Anniversary Conference Fifth Research Conference, April 6-8, 2000, Budapest,  Hungary

Campus Meets Company Event on "Global Services of 21st Century" by DaimlerChrysler, January 20-23, 2000, Berlin, Germany

Conference on Mental Health and Human Rights, October 9-10, 1998, Yerevan, Armenia

Helped to organize the International Conference and Workshop on Childhood Disability, August 17-20, 1998, Yerevan, Armenia

Career related experience  

May 3,  2001- October 13, 2001                     


January 2000-present                                             






Winter 1994 - Summer 1999                                       







Fall 1997







Jeunesse Pour l’Europe (Youth For Europe),  NGO, Yerevan, Armenia

Training of English language to a group of adult students (beginners’ level).


Human Rights Students' Initiative, NGO, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Member/ Human Rights Activist                

One of organizers of: Charity event ‘Clothing Donation’, Roundtable on ‘Legal and Practical Dimensions of Forced Migration. The Conundrum of Rejected Asylum Seekers’, Workshop on ‘Roma and Forced Migration After Kosovo’; participated in educational excursion to the Refugee Camp in Biscke,Hungary.  

Children’s Neurological Hospital #6, Yerevan, Armenia
'Children of Armenia Reaching Peaks', Program for Children with Developmental Disabilities
Administrative Assistant/Interpreter (Volunteer)
Provide administrative and secretarial support, translate articles, assist to organize conferences of the American-Armenian psychiatrists and interpreted both from English into Russian and vice versa.



SUNY Institute of Technology, Utica, NY
Interpreter (Volunteer)
Familiarized professors from Russian Academy of Sciences with the college environment, provided academic/social interpretation from Russian into English.


Masters Skiing World Cup 98’, Lake Placid, NY
Interpreter (Volunteer)
Provided the teams with English/Russian/French translation at the registration, the team meetings, distributed the results and awards of everyday races.


September 2003-December 2003          








September 2001- May 2002     









April 2002- May 2002       





January 2001- April 2001                           






October 2000                                             




October 2000-November 2000                  

NGO Coalition Project, OSI-funded Public Awareness Campaign: Human Rights of

People with Intellectual Disabilities, Yerevan, Armenia

 Project “Manifesto: Right to Decide”

Human Rights Expert

Responsible for overall administration of human rights component of Project and

preparation of the information Kit to be delivered with the Manifesto on “Right to

Decide” to the Human Rights Commission at the President’s Office for further

development of National Strategy. 


Mental Health Foundation, Yerevan, Armenia
Project "Human Rights in the Mental Health System of Armenia"
Human Rights Specialist
Participate in discussions of multidisciplinary expert team: preparation of questionnaires/survey, analysis and evaluation of human rights observation and quality of health and care services in psychiatric hospitals from human rights perspective. Analyze overall situation of human rights of people with mental disabilities in Armenia (legislation, practice,  policies).

Outcome: Report with findings, White Paper, Recommendations. 


Mental Health Foundation, Yerevan, Armenia
 Project on Development of “Law of RA on Mental Health"
Human Rights Specialist
Participate in the drafting process of the law regulating the mental health care.


Human Rights Students' Initiative, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Project “Translations of Summary Judgments by European Court of Human Rights into the Languages of Central and Eastern Europe, Newly Independent States and South Eastern Countries”




United Nations Development Programme, Yerevan, Armenia
National Human Development Report of Armenia-2000



Chadbourne & Parke LLP, Yerevan, Armenia
Tender for the Privatization of the Energy Distribution Companies in Armenia
Coordinator of Translation Project
Participate in the translation of the package of tender documents, coordinate the translation team; provide consecutive interpretation at sessions of Tender Commission in Armenia for the legal counsel Chadbourne & Parke LLP.


May 24, 2004- present













December 9, 2002- May 24, 2004                    










October 16, 2001- November 25, 2002      





















August 29, 2000- August 17, 2001   










June 1, 1999- July 26, 1999                    







October 16, 1998- June 1, 1999   








Fall 1997-Spring 1998                          




Winter 1998- Spring 1998           




Summer 1998                                         


UNDP Armenia,Yerevan, Armenia

Anti-Trafficking Programme: Capacity Building Support and Victims Assistance

Project Associate

Actively involve in the management and monitoring of  project activities, carry out and implement specific project activities, upon agreement with the Project Coordinator, support the liasing with Government entities on consultations related to the expected commitments, and the liasing with Donor entities on consultations related to the expected commitments, in close cooperation with the Project Coordinator, support the liasing with regional key stakeholders on both NGO and Governmental levels, organising local and regional seminars, press conferences, press releases and manage relations with massmedia, disseminate publication and information, prepares monthly, quarterly and final financial reports, monitors  the supporting documents.


IBM Business Consulting Services, Yerevan, Armenia

USAID-sponsored “Capital Markets Development Project in Armenia”
Training Coordinator/Executive Assistant
Assist in advancing the activities under the Project Pillar Three: Sustainability and Training; assist the counterparts in participating in relevant securities market study-tours and trainings; Internet-based research, monitoring and coordination of information on international trainings and their follow-up; maintenance of Training Database; support in organization of local trainings; other assignments as required. Translate from English into Armenian and Russian and vice versa the documents; translation and assistance at the meetings, training seminars; maintenance of training database, writing monthly activity reports, proof-reading and other duties as required.


United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Project "Improving Reproductive Health of Women, Men and Young People"
Project Assistant

Assist the Project Officer in conducting supervision and monitoring project activities, assist in personnel and administrative management; support the Project Officer in procurement of the inputs for the project, advise and assist other staff in office and financial management, administrative issues, manage day-to-day administrative and financial matters, travel authorization forms and assemble travel pertinent information, provide for security, transport, office supplies and equipment, arrange for control and distribution, maintenance of inventory records, maintenance of the project documentation; participation in coordination meetings of UNFPA, the Ministry of Health, Department of Mother and Child Health Care, Center of Perinatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology- Management office, and Association "For Family and Health"; support in organization and conduct of seminars/trainings in Yerevan and Ararat marz, assist in preparation and publishing of training modules and protocols on “Basics of Antenatal Care” for doctors and midwives/nurses, assist in development of “Guide for Pregnant Women” and other reading materials, conduct distribution of equipment to the women’s consultancies and maternal hospitals, communication with the maternal health facilities, international organizations (PADCO, PRIME II, ADRA, FAMILY CARE, MSF, UNICEF, etc.), and other duties as required.



PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, Yerevan, Armenia
 USAID-sponsored Capital Markets Development Project in Armenia

Translate from English into Armenian and Russian and vice versa normative legal acts  of the Securities Commission, Armenian Stock Exchange, Trading System related documents, Securities Market Analysis 2000, Memos, technical, economic texts, official letters, newspaper and "SED MARSED" Journal articles; translation and assistance at the meetings of foreign consultants with the Commissioners of Securities Commission, representatives of brokerage companies, training seminars, workshops, staff meetings, etc.


Translator/ Training Assistant
Translated from English into Armenian and Russian and vice versa letters, newspaper articles, technical, economic, and legal documents; translation and assistance at the meetings, training seminars (on “Fundamentals of Underwriting”, “Survey of Investment Products”, “Fundamentals of Sales of Financial Products and Services”, SRS (State Residual Shares Sale).



Compiled resume files, filing translated documents, prepared seminar materials; secretarial support in preparation and maintenance of office documentation, translated and interpreted from English into Armenian and Russian and vice versa; participated in organization of the seminars in Gyumri and Yerevan on “Corporate Governance and Competitiveness” for the representatives of the joint-stock companies.


Utica College of Syracuse University, Utica, NY
Instruct and assist students in English, French, Psychology and Communication course work on an individual basis.



James H. Donovan Middle School, Utica, NY
Tutor/Mentor of Young Scholars Liberty Partnership Program
Help students develop positive attitudes and confidence in their ability to learn, provide positive role model and support.



Utica College of Syracuse University, Utica, NY
ESL Teacher Assistant/ Intern
Help conduct classes, create and provide materials, deal with files, accompany students on trips, provide cultural and academic orientation.



Computer skills                 







Reading, music, cinematography, traveling, dancing, swimming, tennis.



Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Power Point, Internet, Eudora, Web-design (beginner), Touch-typing in English, Armenian, French, Russian.



Bilingual in Armenian (native) and Russian, English (fluent), French (upper intermediate).



Available upon request



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