Evidence of Students Meeting the Learning Objectives



The interest of  students was measured by their rate of presence and active participation. Deriving from the problem-centered orientation of the course, the activation of students was regarded as a very important mean of achieving our learning objectives.  As indicators of problem-specific student understanding we used criteria such as: number/quality/originality of problems/questions raised during the classroom discussions, number/quality/originality of the solutions offered.    


As we used mostly the method of team-discussion, there was also a possibility to assess the ability of students to work in team and to reach creative solutions in short time by brain-storming. Team work was also used as method of activating students in the classroom and making them to focus their attention on a specific task.


For the development of long term transferable skills, the most important method of assessment was the assignment of final papers (projects) dealing with particular aspects of local/regional development or cross-border cooperation. The grading of papers/projects took into account the relevance of the researched problem, theoretical and methodological coherence, originality/applicability of the proposed solutions, the potential and willingness of the student to work further on the same thematic field.

