Tomsk State Pedagogical University







Department of Siberian Indigenous Languages






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Brief outline of the projects of the Department of Siberian Indigenous Languages


Computer database of the indigenous languages of western Siberia (Areal Perspective)

The Grant of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (2007). Financing – the RFFI. Analysis, testing and implementation of the infrastructure for long term language documentation, and design of the accessible technologically advanced computerized language archives on indigenous languages of Siberia. Project Directors: Andrey Y.Filchenko.

Time and Space in the indigenous languages of the Ob-Yenissei rivers in Siberia (Areal Perspective)

The Grant of the Russian Foundation for Research in Humanities (2007). Financing – the RGNF. Comparative and areal typological analysis of the manifestations of the concepts of Space and Time in the languages of Siberia, empirically based on the original archived materials of the Department of indigenous languages of Siberia at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Project Directors: Prof. Elizaveta G.Kotorova.


Research into typological characteristics of the languages and cultures of the indigenous minorities of Siberia

The Grant of the Federal Agency of Education № НИР 01.01.05 (2005). Financing – the Federal Agency of Education. The development and implementation of innovative methodologies of documentation and analysis in the framework of the complex program of investigation of the Siberian indigenous languages in the context of modern typological conventions. Project Director: prof. Olga A.Osipova.

Systematization and Computerization of field data on the indigenous languages of Siberia

The Grant of the Federal Agency of Education № НИР 3.3.52816 (2005). Financing – the Federal Agency of Education. Сomparative analysis, adaptation, testing and introduction of the advanced technologies and methods of documenting, archiving and computer processing of the data on indigenous languages/cultures of Siberia. Project Directors: prof. Olga A.Osipova and Andrey Y.Filchenko.

Documentation of Moribund Language of Vasyugan Khanty

The Grant of the National Endowment for Humanities, USA and the National Scientific Fund, USA (2005). Financing – National Endowment for Humanities and National Science Foundation of the USA. The first Russian project offering technical facilities for documentation, archiving and analysis of East-Khanty language. This language is under the threat of extinction and of world linguistic and anthropological value. Project director: Andrey Y.Filchenko.

Development of the Siberian indigenous languages in the context of national schools  

The research project of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation (years 2000-2004). Financing – the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. Studying the prerequisites for the successful operation within the framework of the priorities declared by the UN Organization and the Russian Federation Government concerning the preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity by facilitation the study of the national language and culture in school. Project Director: prof. Olga A.Osipova.

Creation of the full contextual dictionary of the Ket language

Collaborative project of Max Plank (Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig) and the Department of Indigenous Languages of Siberia (Tomsk State Pedagogical University) (2000-2006). The source and amount of financing – Max Plank Institute. In the context of international cooperation the world’s leading theories, methods and technologies of language documentation are implemented for the analysis of language data and design of the dictionary of the Ket language, which is under the threat of extinction and being of great interest in the general typological context. Project Director: prof. Elilzaveta G.Kotorova.

Education Development in Russia (the secondary education)

Open Society Institute (2001-2003). The Advanced Training of the Teachers in Indigenous Languages and Siberia at Tomsk Region within the framework of the regional project “Forming the controlling mechanisms of the open educational environment in the region”. Financing – Open Society Institute. The promotion of teachers in Siberian indigenous languages and Siberia Studies along with advanced training activities have been developed and applied according to the priorities of open society and the language and cultural diversity preservation declared by the UN and the Government of the Russian Federation. Project Directors: prof. Olga A.Osipova, Zulfia S.Kamaletdinova.

Documentation and description of Eastern Khanty Dialects

Fieldwork Grant of Rice University, USA (2000-2004). Financing – Rice University. The documentation and language data analysis of the East-Khanty language (that is under the threat of extinction) facilitated by the world advanced methods and technologies. The integration of the valuable typological data into academic discourse. Project director: Andrey Y.Filchenko.

Documentation of the Autochthonous Language of Vasyugan and Alexandrovo Khanty

The Grant of the Foundation for Endangered Languages UK (2004). Financing – FEL. The project in documentation, archiving and analysis of East-Khanty dialects. This language is under the threat of extinction and of typological value. Project director: Andrey Y.Filchenko.

Documentation of the Autochthonous Language and Culture of Vasyugan Khanty

The Grant of the Endangered Languages Fund Yale University, USA (2003). Financing – Yale University. The first Russian project in the history of this program, offering technical facilities for documentation, archiving and analysis of East-Khanty language. This language is under the threat of extinction and of typological value. Project director: Nadezhda N.Shalamova.



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Copyright © 2007 The Department of Siberian Indigenous Languages
Last modified: March 05, 2008