Ljubljana, Slovenia
2004 - 2005 IPF Fellow

Urska Lunder, honored as a Slovenian Woman of the Year nominee in 2005 for work related to her IPF project, strives to introduce an informed palliative care program into the Slovene health system.

Reforming public health in Slovenia to benefit terminally ill patients.

During her policy fellowship Urska Lunder adapted and implemented a palliative care model for the Slovene health system. Her efforts earned her nomination as a candidate for Slovenian of the Year 2005 and recognition in national award ceremonies held at the Parliament and Opera House.

Affiliation: Director of the Palliative Care Development Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
e-mail: lunder@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/lunder/

Fellow project
2004 - 2005: Palliative care for Slovenia: A model for classification and payment
The objectives of the project are to test a strategic model for the implementation of organized palliative care in the Slovene health care system; identify, educate and coordinate palliative care teams in various settings to test the modified clinical pathway model together with the model of classifying systems for payment purposes; and write and present a research and policy paper for the Ministry of Health and all the health care authorities dealing with palliative care including hospitals, primary care facilities and nursing homes.

Study: Organizing palliative care in Slovene health care system

Working groups: Public Health Policy 

Relevant countries: Slovenia