Bucharest, Romania
2005 - 2006 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Expert at Transparency International Romania and Social Researcher at Cultural Anthropology Society in Romania.
e-mail: razvan@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/razvan/

Fellow project
2005 - 2006: Managing illegal labor migration from Eastern Europe to the European Union
The objectives of the project are to asses the successes and failures of central and local initiatives to control illegal migration; based on an in-depth case study identify the main factors contributing to the illegal migration of Romanian workers; uncover the routes, structure, dynamics and methods utilized by several illegal migration networks; devise informed policy recommendations and disseminate them to relevant stakeholders to stimulate reflection, debate and public pressure on illegal migration issues; and write a research paper and policy study with recommendations for organizations, including the Ministry of Administration and Interior, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, and the International Organization for Migration.

Study: Improving the management of migration: How to decrease irregular migration, and strengthen public confidence in the Ministry of Labor

Working groups: Cross-Border Cooperation Outside European Union, Migration Policy, Comparative Studies, Southeast Europe: Conflict Prevention, Combating Organized Crime

Relevant countries: Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine