Sofia, Bulgaria
2004 - 2005 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Senior Research Associate at the Department of Anthropology, Institute for Philosophical Research, Sofia, Bulgaria

Fellow project
2004 - 2005:
Church-state relations in Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia: Monopoly or market relations?
The objectives of the project are to analyze the legal regulation of church-state relationships in the studied countries; explain how political interests of the parties are reflected in the Law on Religious Confessions; describe the social-psychological context in which the legal regulations operate; and write a research and policy paper for the State Departments of Religious Confessions, the Parliamentary Commissions of Human Rights and Religion, European Consortium for Church and State Research, International Center for Minorities Studies and Intercultural Relations, and church and political party leaders.

Working groups: Comparative Studies, Church-State Relations

Relevant countries:
Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria