London/Chisinau, Moldova
2005 - 2006 IPF Fellow

Moldovan fellow Nicu Popescu conducts field research throughout Eastern Europe to inform both national and EU decision makers.

Contributing policy research for informed EU decision-making

After investigating Russian and EU policy toward Transnistria as well as the Caucasus for his IPF project, Moldovan fellow Nicu Popescu was hired to conduct policy research for OSI-Brussels and later the European Council on Foreign Relations. His article "Outsourcing De Facto Statehood: Russia and the Successionist Entities in Georgia and Moldova" published in the IPF book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe.

European Council on Foreign Relations

Affiliation: Research Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), London office and PhD candidate in Political Science at the Central European University in Budapest.
secondary e-mail:

Study: Democracy in Secessionism: Transnistria and Abkhazia's Domestic Policies

Fellow project
2005 - 2006: European Neighborhood Policy beyond the EU
The objective of the project is to examine the possible incentives and reward structures of the European Neighbourhood Policy (EPN) in order to strengthen the European Union (EU) capacity to promote its objectives in the Wider Europe area; analyze concrete EU policies that can effectively promote democratization and conflict resolution within the framework of the ENP; write a research paper and policy study with policy recommendations for EU institutions (the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament), as well as the governments of EU member states and their neighbors.

Working groups: The Caucasus: Conflict Prevention, Cross-Border Cooperation Outside European Union, Comparative Studies, Southeast Europe: Conflict Prevention
Relevant countries: Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Russia