Kharkiv/Kiev, Ukraine
1999 - 2001 IPF Fellow

Original affiliation: Co-founder of the Center for Land Reform Policy
Current affiliation: Project Manager with the Delegation of the European Commission, Kiev, Ukraine

Fellow projects
2000 - 2001:
Transparency in Ukrainian land privatization
The objectives of the project are to improve access to quality information about land reform by building on the website and database established during the 1999 IPF fellowship, carry out a public information campaign promoting the allocation of responsibility for the implementation of land reform and privatization to national and local governments as well as effective land management by local Ukrainian governments, and develop a policy paper in the field of public administration.

Working groups: Land Reform and Rural Policy, Anti-Corruption Policy, Information Policy

Relevant countries: Ukraine

1999 - 2000: Land privatization and development in Ukraine: An electronic networking system
The objectives of the project are to develop a policy paper in the field of economics/management education, and establish a network database system which will provide detailed assistance, knowledge and resources encouraging the implementation of land development and privatization in the Kharkov region of Ukraine.

Working groups: Democratic Governance, Transparency and Accountability, Land Reform and Rural Policy

Relevant countries: Ukraine