Bucharest, Romania
2002 - 2003 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Researcher at the Institute for the Quality of Life think tank in Romania.
e-mail: surdu@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/surdu/

Fellow project
2002 - 2003:
Desegregating Roma schools: A cost-benefit analysis for Romania
The goal of the project is to conduct statistical research related to segregated Roma schools in Romania; evaluate segregated schools and mixed schools in terms of human and financial resources and scholarly achievement; identify and evaluate economic and social costs of maintaining segregated schools; elaborate a strategy for desegregating Roma schools in Romania as well as in Central and Eastern Europe; and write a research and policy paper in the field of Roma education for the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research as well as the Department of Minority Education, Roma and non-Roma educators and journalists, and international organizations such as Center Education 2000+ (Open Soros Network Romania), World Bank-Romania, UNICEF-Romania, and Save the Children-Romania.

Working groups:
Roma Policy, Children's Services Policy, Human Rights Policy, Primary and Secondary Education Policy

Relevant countries: Romania