Lahore, Pakistan
2005 - 2006 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Independent IPF consultant; former research consultant with organizations including Abt Associates and the Global Nonprofit Project in the US and the Aga Khan Rural Development Network in Pakistan.

Fellow project
2005 - 2006: Citizen community boards in Pakistan: The politics of participation
The objectives of the project are to assess how government decentralization policy in Pakistan regarding Citizen Community Boards is being implemented; conduct a field research to assess the capacity and quality of the leadership of the Citizen Community Boards; engage government officials in substantive dialogue on local governance; and write a research paper and policy study with recommendations for local donors, including Department of International Development (UK), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the World Bank.

Study: The politics of participation: An in-depth evaluation of Citizen Community Boards in Pakistan

Working groups: Policy Networks and Administrative Reform, Modernization, Globalization, and Islam
Relevant countries: Pakistan