Minsk, Belarus
2005 - 2008 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: UNDP/BY project assistant, ICTD policy consultant; Head of the Department of Humanities, Minsk Regional In-Service Teachers Training Institute, Belarus.
e-mail: sokolova@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/sokolova/

Fellow projects
2007 - 2008: Effective mechanisms for citizens' participation in eGovernance Agenda
The objectives of the project are to analyze efficiency of strategies for promoting citizen participation in eGovernment planning on regional, national and local levels with a special emphasis on potential benefits of involvement of Belarussian citizens, citizen groups and governmental officials in regional eGov initiatives; and write a policy study for civil society actors, donor institutions (SIDA, Pontis Foundation) and international organizations (UNDP Oslo Governance Center, in particular) for considering costs and benefits of the citizen participation mechanisms in order to assess prospects for democracy promotion through citizens participation in eGov agenda in Belarus and neighboring countries.

Working groups: Anti-Corruption Policy, Information Policy
Relevant countries: Belarus

2005 - 2006: E-government and citizens, civil society organizations and parliaments
The objectives of the project are to analyze the state of e-government in Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania; develop policy recommendations addressing the participation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in e-gov policymaking, opportunities and risks of e-gov programming for parliamentarians; and write a research paper and policy study for e-gov strategy developers and stakeholders including the Belarusian Parliament, CSOs, and UNDP ICT projects, as well as international CSOs and agencies interested in supporting e-gov initiatives in the region.

Study: Improving the quality of eGOV strategies in Belarus, Ukraine, and Lithuania through citizen participation in eGOV planning

Working groups: Anti-Corruption Policy, Information Policy
Relevant countries: Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine