Riga, Latvia
2005 - 2008 IPF Continuing Fellow

Affiliation: Senior Researcher at the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, Riga, Latvia
e-mail: golubeva@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/golubeva/

Fellow projects
2007 - 2008: Integrating Humanities: From self-isolation to community outreach
The objectives of the project are to facilitate joint activities for PhD students of Humanities and Social Sciences in Latvia by organizing four seminars on current social and political issues; produce a study on the state of community outreach activities at Humanities faculties in Latvia and Estonia identifying problems and best practice in the area, based on a series of interviews at Humanities departments of major universities of the two countries; and write a policy study offering recommendations on increasing social engagement of the Humanities in the future for the Humanities departments.

Working groups: Higher Education Policy, Cultural Policy

Relevant countries: Latvia, Estonia

2005 - 2006: Humanities and social sciences in Latvia: Change and continuity
The objectives of the project are to identify cases where partly externally driven reform of academic practices to enhance students' critical skills and civic engagement was simultaneously accompanied by the exclusionary, racist and nationalist discourses; assess the impact of both local and international actors, such as national level organizations and Civic Education Project, SCOUT, HESP, Robert Bosch Stiftung and others, in the introduction of democratic discourses in academic and educational milieu, as well as possible counter-currents to such discourses; increase the proposed study's scope and implications by comparing the case of Latvia with two other transition societies - one EU case (Poland) and one CIS case (Ukraine); and write a research paper and policy study with recommendations for education policy planners in Latvia and elsewhere at the university, national and international levels for promoting new academic agendas and civic involvement in democratizing societies.

Study: New practices, old discourses? Change and continuity in humanities and social sciences in Latvia during the democratic transition

Working groups: Cultural Policy, Higher Education Policy

Relevant countries: Latvia, Poland, Ukraine