Bucharest, Romania
2000 - 2003 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Lecturer in International Marketing at the Romanian-Canadian MBA, Graduate School of Management, Bucharest
e-mail: nicolescu@policy.hu
secondary e-mail: luminicolescu@gmail.com
website: http://www.policy.hu/nicolescu/

Fellow projects
2002 - 2003:
Romanian higher education reforms and university financial and academic management
The project goals are to study higher educational reforms in Romania focusing on reforms launched in 1998 to decentralize decision-making by giving autonomy to universities with respect to academic and financial decisions; conduct two case studies and a nationwide survey on how the enacted legal framework governing university autonomy is perceived and implemented at the institutional level; and write a research and policy paper for the Romanian Ministry of Education, the Romanian Center for Economic Policies, and relevant university managements.

Working groups: Higher Education Policy

Relevant countries: Romania

2000 - 2001: Romanian private versus public higher education: Success or failure in the labor market?
The objectives of the research are to assess the efficacy of public and private higher education in Romania by conducting comparative research on the professional integration of the graduates of private and public universities, their employability, allocation of jobs and compensation; and develop a policy paper in the field of higher education.

Working groups: Higher Education Policy

Relevant countries: Romania