Minsk, Belarus
2001 - 2004 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Member of the leading independent think tank Institute for Privatisation and Management, Minsk, Belarus.
e-mail: haiduk@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/haiduk/

Fellow projects
2003 - 2004:
Privatization policies for Belarus: External competitiveness, industrial restructuring and the role of trade unions
The objectives of the project are to explore the relationships between external competitiveness, labor interests and macroeconomic policies and institutions in the context of Belarus' transition to market economy; devise recommendations for Belarusian trade unions on how to incorporate labor interests into national policymaking; prepare a course on Macroeconomic Policies and Institutions for both trade union leaders and students of Belarusian universities; devise policy recommendations on trade unions' strategies regarding macroeconomic reforms; and develop a policy paper and a monograph on the issues described above.

Working groups: Policy Networks and Administrative Reform, Economic Development and Microfinance Policy

Relevant countries: Belarus

2001 - 2002: Belarus and Russia: European Union enlargement and the implications for trade
The project objectives are to study the impact of European Union enlargement on trade in the non-accession countries of Belarus and Russia, analyze competitive challenges introduced by EU enlargement, explore possibilities for the creation of free trade zones between the enlarged EU and neighboring countries, prepare a new course on European integration for students at Belarusian universities, and develop a policy paper on the impact of EU expansion on non-accession countries.

Working groups: Comparative Studies, Policy Networks and Administrative Reform, Economic Development and Microfinance Policy

Relevant countries: Belarus