Tallinn, Estonia
2002 - 2003 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Project coordinator, Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tallinn; Lecturer at Estonian Business School
e-mail: kroos@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/kroos/

Fellow project
2002 - 2003:
The role of universities in social transformation: The case of Estonia
The objective of the project is to offer an explanatory framework of how the role of academics changes in times of social transformation; test the hypothesis that universities experience three clearly definable stages during a transition from a supplier to a recipient of innovative ideas and individuals; and write a research and policy paper for the teaching staff and the Rectorates of Estonian universities, the Department of Higher Education of the Estonian Ministry of Education, and the Commission of Culture of the Estonian Parliament.

Working groups: Cultural Policy, Higher Education Policy

Relevant countries: Estonia