Warsaw, Poland
1999 - 2001 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Adviser to various Polish government bodies, courts, and European international organizations on legal issues, Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: kaminski@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/kaminski/

Fellow projects
2000 - 2001:
Western/EU media standards and their applicability in new democracies: Non-constitutional issues
The objectives of the project are to compare western administrative media standards and relevant legislation as well as practice in Central Europe; analyze the requirements related to membership in the EU; devise recommendations for new media regulations in Central Europe; prepare a course on administrative media standards for students at Polish universities; and develop a policy paper in the field of media and law/ human rights.

Working groups: Media Policy

Relevant countries: Poland

1999 - 2000: Western media standards in new European democracies
The objectives of the project are to develop a policy paper in the fields of media and law/human rights, compare Western and Central European media standards and devise recommendations for new media regulations in Central Europe, and prepare a course on media law for students at Polish universities.

Working groups: Media Policy

Relevant countries: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic