Ankara, Turkey
2001 - 2002 IPF Fellow

Ihsan Dagi promotes human rights and democratic governance in Turkey.

International Policy Fellow Ihsan Dagi advocates for democratic governance and adherence to human rights norms as a well-known activist and professor at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. Numerous publications resulting from his fellowship research explore Islamic identity and westernization in Turkey and are available from his personal project website, including his article in the IPF book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe .

Affiliation: Professor and human rights activist in Turkey and researcher for the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding in Washington, DC.

Fellow project
2001 - 2002:
Islamic identity and rethinking the "Western Question" in Turkey
The project aims to contribute to the debate on the relationship between Islam and the West by focusing on a unique Islamic political movement in Turkey associated with the Pro-Islamic Virtue Party; examine possibilities for the coexistence of Islam and Western institutions as well as democratic/liberal values; study the attitudes of the Islamists in Turkey towards the West and Western values and recent signs of changes in the policies of pro-Islamic political parties concerning the West, westernization, democracy, human rights, globalization and the European Union; and develop a policy paper in the area of globalization and Islam.

Working groups: Modernization, Globalization, and Islam

Relevant countries: Turkey