Baku, Azerbaijan
2002 - 2003 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Advisor to the Ministry of Education and President's Office on youth education and policy issues, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Fellow project
2002 - 2003:
Non-formal education and national youth policies
The aim of the project is to investigate the impact of non-formal education on the development of civil society in general and its specificity in Azerbaijan; research how independent youth organizations can influence national youth policy; identify the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the educational process; determine the distinct instruments and methods necessary to increase the participation and role of youth within society; develop a database of youth NGOs and their non-formal education schemes; and write a research and policy paper in the field of Children's Services Policy for the Ministry of Youth and Sports, members of parliament, and the National Council of Youth Associations as well as the European office of the World Organization of Scout Movements.

Working groups: Children's Services Policy, Primary and Secondary Education Policy

Relevant countries: Azerbaijan