Belgrade, Serbia
2005 - 2006 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Professor of Private International Law, The University of Belgrade Law School and MP in Serbian Parliament.

Study: Serbian higher education: Why the road to Bologna? Obstacles and incentives

Fellow project

2005 - 2006: Model legislation for higher education reform in Serbia and Southeast Europe
The objectives of the project are to collect relevant data on universities and Ministries, identifying political supporters for and against reforms and the main obstacles for Serbian Parliament to draft and adopt a modern, a European-tailored Model Law on Higher Education; analyze European higher education and law systems and the current situation in Serbia and neighboring countries; analyze existing higher education institutions and consider the licensing of new institutions in terms of quality insurance; write a research paper and policy study, as well as a Model Law for the Serbian Parliament that meets local needs while encompassing aspirations that could provide references and guidelines for neighboring countries.
Working groups: Higher Education Policy
Relevant countries: Serbia, Montenegro