Belgrade/Lichtenstein, Luxembourg
2002 - 2006 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Senior research fellow for the European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg; Project Advisor at the Union Ministry of Human and Minority Rights Support Initiative for Serbia and Montenegro, Belgrade; visiting professor at the University of Bologna and Central European University in Budapest.

Fellow projects
2005 - 2006:
Multinational institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina: An evaluation
The objectives of the project are to enrich policy debates in Bosnia with experiences from other countries that have struggled with similar institutional mechanisms; survey the state of institutional development in Bosnia and its prospects; produce several studies on Bosnia and other countries with comparable systems of government that will be widely available in Bosnia; and write a consolidated policy study which will be discussed and refined in dialogue with key Bosnian policy makers and emerging think tanks such as the International ForumBosnia.

Working groups: Southeast Europe: Conflict Prevention, Democratic Governance, Transparency and Accountability

Relevant countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina

2002 - 2003: Institutionalizing ethnicity in the western Balkans: Building inclusive institutions in multinational states
The project goals are to evaluate existing institutions in the countries of former Yugoslavia seeking to include the participation of different ethnic groups; identify best cases of functional institutions for including ethnic diversity; and write a research paper and two policy papers on conflict resolution in Southeastern Europe, one for international decision-makers including officials at the Balkan desks in the foreign ministries or other units charged with Balkan policymaking (i.e. the planning division/ "Planungsstab" of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and member countries of the European Union as well as foreign policy structures of the EU itself (i.e. the Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management Unit in the GD RELEX of the European Commission); and the second paper for policymakers at the respective ministries (i.e. the Ministry for European Integration in Bosnia, OHR in Bosnia, the Ministry for National and Ethnic Communities in Yugoslavia and Montenegro) and policy advisors in the countries under study (i.e. the Kiro-Gligorov Foundation in Macedonia).

Working groups: Comparative Studies, Southeast Europe: Conflict Prevention, Human Rights Policy, Building Institutions

Relevant countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro