Milwaukee, Wisconsin/Kampala, Uganda
2006 - 2007 IPF Fellow

Dick Kawooya and his Open Information working group colleagues investigate developing country access to electronic resources and copyright issues.

Promoting open information and access to information in developing countries.

Fellow Dick Kawooya examines higher education institutions in Uganda in his research on copyright and access to electronic resources in developing countries. Together with the OSI Information Programs and IPF Group Advisor Lawrence Liang in India, International Policy Fellows Eve Gray in South Africa, Prashant Iyengar in India, and Dick in Uganda are leading advocacy efforts promoting developing country access to scientific and scholarly information online.

Affiliation: Adjunct Instructor, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA; Doctoral Student, School of Informartion Studies, University of Tennessee, USA

Fellow project
2006 - 2007:
Copyright and e-resources in African higher education: The case of Ugandan institutions
The objectives of the project are to understand how academics, students and researchers on and off the campuses of Makerere University (public), Nkumba University (private), the Centre for Basic Research and other institutions of higher learning in Uganda use both proprietary and nonproprietary electronic resources; examine the impact of copyright on this use; determine how usage data can be utilized, for a variety of purposes; and write policy study and research paper primarily targeted to Ugandan government institutions including the Uganda Legal Reform Commission (ULRC) and the Parliamentary Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs as well as the World Intellectual Property Rights (WIPO); the Standing Conference for Eastern, Central and Southern African Library and Information workers (SCECSAL); the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions' (IFLA) - Africa Section; and the Commonwealth of Learning's (COL) Forum on Open and Distance Learning.

Working groups: Information Policy

Relevant countries: Uganda